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>After 5 days<

Silver: It's tonight!!!

Sonic: What tonight?

Silver: The full moon!!! I can't wait to see the beautiful moon.

Scourge: Heh... Yeah. I would blow it up...

Silver: Why you want to blow it up?!

Scourge: Because it makes my eyes sick! Those moonlight gonna give me disease someday.

Sonic: (What the... Fuck?!) Okay, so, we have a moon and star gazing tonight. That's cool!!

Silver: Yeah! So cool!!

Shadow: *walk pass*

Sonic: *saw Shadow and follow him*

Scourge: Well, look at them. How cute.

Silver: Haha... Kinda reminds me about Mephiles. Oh... I need to go now. I have a date with Mephiles this evening.

Scourge: Hmm... Have fun with your dark hedgehog.

>In the library<

Sonic: *sit beside Shadow*

Shadow: Well, why don't you just take any books and read with me?

Sonic: Oh, I don't have a mood today.

Shadow: What's wrong? Still worried about Rose?

Sonic: I do worried about him but what I'm worrying about is the moon. When full moon is come, you know what happened, right?

Shadow: Sonic, we won't be aggressive. We just be powerful than before. Besides that, I won't changed.

Sonic: Oh, and Blake too since he has black magic by his side and those moon will give him a power boost.

Shadow: The strategy, I forgot our next meeting. But, I don't want to ruined the night because of moon and stargazing.

Sonic: *smiled* You heard what I said in the hallway!?

Shadow: Of course, Sonic. So, you really don't mind if you stay here with me while I reading a book.

Sonic: Sure thing, Shads.

Shadow: I wonder what nickname should I call you more than Sonic. Sonic is just a normal name for you.

Sonic: Ahaha... I had another name which is my name Maurice.

Shadow: I want to call you something else... How about So-

Sonic: Just call me Sonic, Shads. It's my special name since I run so fast.

Shadow: You really are, Sonic. Oh... I thought about this. How about I call you, *smirk* faker.

Sonic: FAKER?! WHY?!

Shadow: Because we're more alike. You and I are like twins.

Sonic: Well, your copying me first. Haha... Oh, so what is your strategy anyway?

Shadow: If Blake coming tonight, We need to get prepared or more than being prepared. We don't know when Blake first attack will be.

Sonic: I think it will be tonight...

Shadow: Don't take it so seriously. Oh, one more thing, if Blake comes, you should locked yourself in your room.

Sonic: But, he will break in that easily!

Shadow: Don't worry, Mephiles will protect you. He has black magic too.

Sonic: Huh... I see. *looks outside* Woah, time run so fast today. The sun is already set.

Shadow: Is that so? Well, then, let's get ready for the night. *gets up*

Sonic: Uh, Shads... I'm sorry if I disturb you reading a book.

Shadow: No, it's okay. Talking to you more like I reading a book.

Sonic: *smiled and gets up*

>at the roof<

Shadow: *hold Sonic*

Sonic: Ha... Thanks.

Shadow: You're welcome. So, we just need to wait for the moon to show itself.

Tails: Yeah! The moon phenomenon will be different than the last year. According to my calculations, the moon will appear in 10 minutes.

Knuckles: 10 minutes isn't that long, isn't it?

Tails: Just be patient guys.

Silver: *sigh*

Mephiles: What's wrong?

Silver: I had a bad feelings that we've been watched.

Mephiles: you mean me? Because I'm watching you.

Silver: Haha... Yeah maybe.

Scourge: Oh come on. I don't want to wait that long! It takes forever!!

Espio: I know you want to see the moon but patient is the best treatment than having a power from a moonlight.

Scourge: *growled*

Sonic: *ears twitch* Ha...

Shadow: What's wrong?

Sonic: You know... Silver was right. I guess we've being watched.

Silver: See what I meant!

Shadow: *growled* (It can't be Blake, right?)

???: *laugh hysterically*

Sonic: *whimpered*

Shadow: *growled* Who are you?!! Show yourself!!!

A red mist gathering around them and the shield that protect the mansion has been broken. All vampire bat surrounding them.

Sonic: Blake!

Blake: *looks* Ah yes... You guys gathered together to see the full moon huh? Well, unlucky for you that you must wait for 2 months to see it again.

Scourge: Hey, we've been waiting for this long and you mess it up!!!

Blake: I am but there's something for me to do. *glare at Sonic*

Sonic: *gasp*

Blake: Well, Sonic. You want to see your cousins? He's with me right now. Rose...

Ambrose appear behind him with his dead eyes. It looks like his energy has been drained too much until he dry.

Sonic: What have you done to him!!

Blake: Well, he finally made a decision to lend me his body and in return I give him my power.

Sonic: You're not give him power!! You make him look dead!

Blake: I think you're next!!

Shadow: *take Sonic* I won't let you take him!!!

Sonic: Shadow...

Shadow: It's okay... I'll be fine.

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