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>After 5 days<

Tails: Sonic... Can you help me with my report?

Sonic: Sure buddy! Let me see!


Tails: Huh? I wonder who's behind the door.

Sonic: I take it! *open the door* Shadow...?

Shadow: *smiled* Hey baby. Miss me?

Sonic: Shadow... *hug Shadow* Where have you been all a long? And... Your wings... They're torn apart!

Shadow: I take care of Rose for a while. He didn't make it out from the portal so, I help him out. He kicked me into the portal and it takes a long time for me to get out from the alternate world. That's why my wings torn apart... I try to escape it many times.

Sonic: What happened to Rose then? Is he dead?

Shadow: I didn't kill him... I wonder where he goes.

Sonic: It doesn't matter now. Let's get inside and heal your wounds.

>In master's room<

Shadow: So, what you've been doing while I'm gone?

Sonic: I uh... Help Tails with his report and play with Silver and the others.

Shadow: I guess you're not hate vampires now.

Sonic: Yeah... I guess so.

Shadow: What you gonna do tonight?

Sonic: Spend my night with you.

Shadow: Oh... You want me to do that again? Don't let me play rough this time.

Sonic: You always play rough Shadow. You never let me catch some air. Hey, why don't we drag Silver into this?

Shadow: Hmm... But, he's not fun.

Sonic: What? He's adorable... I want to hear him moaning. Ugh... I could hear him moaning in my ears right now.

Shadow: Fine... Two vampires is enough.

Sonic: Yay!


Silver: Oh, what kind of party you have for tonight? Is Tails and Knuckles invited too?

Sonic: Uh... This is a private party.

Silver: Cool! So, only me is invited?

Sonic: Shadow is here too.

Silver: Oh... Okay.

Shadow: *walk in* Sonic!

Sonic: Oh, I told you that I want Silver to join us. Remember?

Shadow: Oh... I forgot. Anyway, is it time?

Sonic: Yes~ *take off his clothes*

Silver: Um... What kind of party is this? Why you two take off your clothes? *blushed*

Shadow: The bed is big enough for three of us.

Sonic: Awesome... Let's go for threesomes.

Silver: Uh... G-guys...

Oh, Did I tell you that this is YAOI time? Shadow lay on the bed while Sonic push Silver on top of Shadow and pinned him down.

Sonic: Did you locked the door and wearing condoms?

Shadow: Yeah...

Silver: ah...

Sonic: Don't worry Silver... Just relax

Silver: Mmm...

Sonic: *lick Silver's ass*

Silver: Eekk!!

Sonic: *chuckled*

Shadow: *thrust Silver's pussy* I'm in~

Silver: *moan louder* ah~ ah~ This is soo good~

Sonic: Ahh~ This is different~ I never thrust anyone else~~ I wish I have a dick instead.

Silver: *chuckled*

Shadow: *groan* You're so tight~ but not as tight as Sonic~

Sonic: *moan and thrust use his fingers*

Silver: Aah~ Sonic, be gentle~~~

Shadow: Haha... I guess someone's enjoyed it very much. *move faster*

Sonic: Haha~

Shadow: *groan*

Silver: aahh~ Guys~ I guess I'm hurt~

Shadow: Don't worry, Silver~ 

Sonic: *play with his fingers*

Shadow: I'm cumming!~ *cums*

Silver: *pants*

Shadow: *pants* Who's next?~ *smirk and look at Sonic*

Sonic: *looks* I already feel hard~

Shadow: Well that means it's your turn. Silver you below him and I'm at the top.

Silver: Okay... *lay down*

Sonic: *pinned Silver down*

Silver: *kiss Sonic*

Sonic: *moan and kiss back*

Shadow: Well, let's continue~ *thrust Sonic's ass*

Sonic: *moaning* Shadow~

Silver: *rub his pussy against Sonic's pussy* Mmm~

Shadow: *bite Sonic's ears*

Sonic: *moaning* Oh yeah~ Mmm~ Ah~

Shadow: You like that wouldn't you?~

Sonic: Ah~ Yes~ Silver go faster~

Silver: O-Okay~ *rub faster*

Shadow: *move faster* I'm cumming!!~ *cums*

Sonic: *moaning* Me too~ *cums*

Silver: *moaning and cums*

Shadow: *pants*

Silver: *pants* I'm tired~ I want to go back to my room and sleep~

Sonic: *pants* Okay... Thanks for playing with us~

Silver: No problem~ It was fun. *gets up slowly and walk out*

Sonic: *gets up and lock the door*

Shadow: *grab Sonic from behind and thrust his ass*

Sonic: *moaning* Shadow... I'm not ready yet~

Shadow: You want to play again?

Sonic: Hmm... Maybe. *kiss Shadow deeply*

Shadow: *kiss back* I love you Sonic.

Sonic: I love you too, Shadow~

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