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Sonic wake up early and he quickly walk to Silver's room.

Sonic: *whispering* Silver... Silver... Wake up.

Silver: Hmmm? Who?

Sonic: It's Sonic... I need to know what you want to say about last night.

Silver: Oh... That's thing. Well, Mephiles and Scourge decided to abducted you but not really abducted. They want to do something fun with you.

Sonic: Oh no... Not again. I... I have to get back to Shadow before they came.

Silver: No, it's okay. I will make sure you're fine with me. I will protect you from them!

Sonic: How should I trust you?

Silver: You can trust me... I'm no longer following them since Shadow came to rescue you.

Sonic: Oh... I see. Well then, I trust you! I better gp back to Shadow now.

Silver: *nods* Okay...

As Sonic walk out, Scourge and Mephiles was standing in front of him and Silver help Sonic.

Silver: Don't hurt him!!! *hissing*

Scourge: Silver... Whatever you do, please give Sonic to us!

Silver: No! I know what you both up to! I heard everything!

Scourge: You fucking idiot!!! *kick Silver*

Silver: Aahhh!!

Sonic: Silver!!

Mephiles: *stand in front of Sonic* Now, Sonic. You can't run away from us again since Shadow couldn't hear you screaming.

Sonic: Huh?!

Mephiles: Remember that Silver said, his room was soundproof?

Sonic: tch... I will beat you up.

Mephiles: ha! A hedgehog like you couldn't beat us up. You just a weak hedgehog.

Sonic: I'm not! *spindash at Mephiles*

Mephiles: *dodge* Hmph...

Sonic: Huh?! He can dodge me?! Hey! I'm the fastest hedgehog in this mansion!!

Mephiles: Really? Prove it!

Sonic: Okay! You want it so badly, so! *make a blue tornado*

Scourge: Agh... His power was so strong!

Silver: Sonic...

Mephiles: Stronger than vampire? I don't think so... *throw spear near Sonic*

Silver: Mephiles!!!

Sonic: *looks and dodge* Agh! So close...

Mephiles: You never see that coming aren't ya? This room is big enough for us to fight. I want to play with you more.

Silver: Mephiles! This is my room! I will tell master about this!!

Mephiles: *laugh*


Shadow: Sonic? Sonic? Sonic!!!

Tails: Master...

Shadow: Oh, Tails. Haven't you seen Sonic? I have to give him his food. He maybe hungry right now.

Tails: Sorry... I didn't see him lately. Also, I have something to tell about the appointment.

Shadow: Tails, I don't have time for the appointment thing. We will discuss about it later. Now, excuse me. *walk away*

Shadow walk away and continue searching for Sonic. He then suddenly heard a banging sound above him. He quickly teleport and end up in front of Silver's room.

Shadow: *knock the door* Open this door!!! *kick the door*

Sonic: Shadow...

Shadow: Get the fuck out of here before I kill all of you!!

Mephiles: Well, well, well. Your master is here. I'm sorry your majesty... Me and the boys are taking care of your... Pet.

Shadow: Sonic...

Sonic: *run to Shadow and hug him*

Shadow: *pick him up* I promise that I will never let you get hurt. *walk away*

Silver: *sigh*

Scourge: It was all your fault!! You tell Shadow before this right!

Silver: What?! No! I didn't!!

Shadow: *walk back in* Don't fighting!! I will kick you all out tonight and I will never let you three stay here forever!!!

Scourge, Mephiles, Silver: Yes, master...

Sonic: Shadow I'm sure they'll be fine...

Shadow: Don't worry... I handle this...

Sonic: Shad!!

Shadow: *sigh* Fine... Let's go.

Silver: (*sigh* They're look cute together...) *look at Mephiles*

Mephiles: *look at Silver* What?

Silver: Umm... Can we talk? Scourge, you can get out from here. This is my room.

Scourge: Whatever... Enjoy your fun with Mephiles. *walk out*

Mephiles: What now?

Silver: Let's promise together that we will never disturb Sonic at all and forever!!

Mephiles: You know... I thought that I give up on Sonic after what Shadow did.

Silver: *smile and hug Mephiles* I love you...

Mephiles: I... I love you too...

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