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After a week, Sonic call his father again that he had enough staying in that mansion and decided to leave. But when he try to call him, no one answered. He decided to call Amy to know if she's alright.

Sonic: A-Amy...

Amy: Sonic...

Sonic: Oh god. You okay? You're sound like you're sick. Want me to come to you and check you out?

Amy: No, it's okay. Hey, have you heard about this news? Your father died because of the vampires killing him.


Amy: No, Sonic. It's real. He died 5 days ago. The villagers have found his body near the old house.

Sonic: *sobbing*

Amy: Sonic?

Sonic: Amy... Tell me. You're dying?

Amy: *giggled* How funny. I won't die. I just have a fever. I'm good.

Sonic: You sure it's just a fever?

Amy: Yeah...

Sonic: Okay. I have to go now *sniff*

Amy: Hey, don't cry. You still have your vampire friends remember? Go and talk to them to make you feel better.

Sonic: Tch... Talking to a vampire that kills my father?! Yeah... Not cool.

Amy: Oh... Sorry. *giggled* I have to go too. Call me if you have a problem.

Sonic: Sure...

Sonic end up the call and call all the vampires at the living room for a meeting. Shadow look at him and he knows what's going on.

Sonic: I have a news that my father was dead 5 days ago and he has been killed by vampires. Whoever you are, please be honest to me that some of you kill him!!!

Shadow: Sonic, we never kill your father since I'm close to him and we never did that since we had a promise.

Sonic: Oh yeah?! You and your friend are the only vampires here!!!

Tails: *raise his hand*

Sonic: Yes?

Tails: We should tell you that not only us is a vampires in this place.

Sonic: Huh?

Tails: There are other vampires call The Scarlet. They known as the vampire twins. Also, Scourge has a twin too.

Scourge: Hey! My twin will never kill the innocent! I thought that!

Sonic: Oh yeah? Where is he now?

Scourge: He maybe inside the dark forest. I just told him to come over here and hanging out.

Sonic: What's next Tails?

Tails: The Scarlet and us were enemies and we try to take them down for a years now. Since we didn't have the strength to defeat them, we agreed to stay here and train ourselves to be strong.

Sonic: I didn't even see you guys train yourself to be strong! This is nonsense! I will end this meeting right now.

Shadow: and you should talking to me on the bed.

Sonic: What?! You don't try to do that to me.

Shadow: (He's thinking something else.) No, I won't do that to you.

Shadow orders his party to separate and he take Sonic to the master's bedroom to have a small talk. Well, sort of.

Sonic: *pouting*

Shadow: I'm sorry...

Sonic: You don't need to say sorry. I know you and your friends are not kill my father.

Shadow: They aren't my friends... We are like family...

Sonic: Then what should I call all of you?

Shadow: Nevermind... Since your father's dead. I will be in control to take care of you.

Sonic: You're not my father and you can't control me that easily!

Shadow: Hmm... You think that you could resist my voice? Look at me, stare into my eyes. Hear my voice.

Sonic: D-Don't ever try to seduce me! I know what you're doing!!

Shadow: Well, I guess I couldn't help since you are so stubborn to listen to me.

Sonic: *sigh* Leave me alone Master... *gasp and look at Shadow*

Shadow: *smirk* Hmm... What did you just said?

Sonic: N-No! I didn't say master!

Shadow: Admit it...

Sonic: *sigh* Shadow, tomorrow, I will visit Amy. Will you follow me?

Shadow: For what? To see her dead like my girlfriend?

Sonic: I didn't said that!!

Shadow: Very well... I will follow you since it was my fault. But, can we move after sundown?

Sonic: No! We will go there in the morning! I know you're a vampire but my eyes can't stand against nighttime when I feel tired or sleepy!

Shadow: Fine... I'll ask Tails to make me an umbrella and a long black jacket that could protect me from the sun.

Sonic: We have an umbrella and a jacket here! Everything is in that wardrobe.

Shadow: Okay, Okay... I get it. Sheesh... Well, I supposed to sleep early for tonight, I'm excited to go out with you.

Sonic: Yeah... Just go. I want to have some moment. I need to gathered back my hope for tomorrow.

Shadow: Or you can sleep with me? Comfort me...

Sonic: (Shadow.... I don't know why but I kinda don't wanna miss this opportunity to be with him)

Shadow lay on the bed and Sonic join in. He snuggle inside the blanket and Shadow cutely pet him like a little cat. Sonic purred in excitement and enjoys it until he falls asleep.

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