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Uh... Should I say on the next day...? Because I said that too many times on some of the chapter. *having a flashback*

Sonic: *woke up* Woah! I have a dream last night. But, what was it?

Shadow: Dream again? Lucky that you accept for Amy's death. She's fine now in heaven with- Maria

Sonic: *look down* I see... Glad she has a friend in heaven.

Shadow: So, any plans for today? You want Knuckles to take you to the garden?

Sonic: Can I just go by myself? I'm not a kid anymore. I can do everything on my own.

Shadow: Well then. It's up to you and I'm not gonna judge you.

Sonic: Just judge me... I feel bad for Amy and I guess I wanna be better than I am before after her death.

Shadow: What do you mean?

Sonic: I want to change! I want to find the new me. You know what I meant.

Shadow: Hmm... Well, good luck on that. I will judging you from now on. *walk away*

Sonic: (Shadow don't know what I mean... He didn't even know what I'm talking about)

Shadow: I heard that Sonic... I can read your mind, remember.

Sonic: *sigh* You don't need tell me!!

>At the garden<

Tails and Knuckles accompany Sonic walking in the garden. They have to use two umbrella become one can't fit three of them.

Tails: So, Sonic... Did you and master get along now?

Sonic: Why should I know? He never appreciate me and whatever he do is just satisfied himself by making me as an idiot.

Tails: I see, but master must have something to do. For now, he just keep secrets until the time has come.

Sonic: You sure? I will not believe that even you say so. I don't know where to go now, even I want to leave this place.

Tails: Don't leave just stay. I know it's hard but trust me. It's worth if you wait a little longer.

Sonic: Fine... *look at Knuckles* Something in your mind?

Knuckles: Anyway, me and Tails has something to do.

Tails: Oh! That thing! Well, Sonic. It's time to send you back to master.

Sonic: Okay.

>Later, inside master's room<

Shadow: Sonic... Come here.

Sonic: *walk to Shadow* What?

Shadow: *kiss Sonic deeply*

Sonic: *push Shadow harshly* Ah!! What the fuck was that?!

Shadow: I just want to make you happy.

Sonic: That's not make me happy at all. You just make look like fucking idiot!!! You're just using me!!

Shadow: Am I? You have no control in me. You just misunderstanding.

Sonic: Oh yeah? I guess you're the one who misunderstanding.

Shadow rage goes up and he kick Sonic to the wall. He pick him up and punch a couple of times until Sonic passed out.

Shadow: I shall teach you to listen to me. I be nice to you and you're not be nice to me. That's why your father believes that vampires are evil.

Silver: *knock the door* Master? Are you alright?

Shadow: Yes, Silver. I'm fine. I just in rage. Please tell Tails to bring me blood pack and medical kit.

Silver: Okay

Later, Tails came with the blood pack and medical kit on his hand.

Tails: Master okay?

Shadow: Yes, Tails. I'm fine. Now go.

Tails: Yes master.

That night, Sonic woke up after a long blackout. He look around and Shadow wasn't there. He gets up and there was a note besides him. It was from Shadow.


I try to be nice to you and you didn't be nice to me. I try so hard to make you happy after what you have lost. I know how you feel when you lost someone you love.

It's not only you who feel despair but me as well. Remember that I lost Maria? I love her so much just like I love you.

I love you Sonic. I will die for you if you want. I take care of you until you die. If you're not believe me I can prove it to you. Or maybe not.

It's up to you. I'm at the garden if you want to find me. Or maybe not.

Sonic walk to the balcony and saw Shadow sit down on the bench. He quickly get down and walk to the garden.

Sonic: Master...

Shadow: *turn around* Sonic...

Sonic: *sobbing* I'm a monster...

Shadow: *gets up and hug Sonic* No... You're not. I'm a monster. I beat you up until you passed out.

Sonic: *sniff* I don't know who I am...

Shadow: Please don't cry... *hold Sonic's head and pet him* You're so cute.

Sonic: Master...

Shadow: Don't call me master from now on, call me Shadow. Or Shads that's what Maria always calling me.

Sonic: Okay... Shads. *smile a bit*

Shadow: *pick Sonic up in a bride style* You still hurt. Let's go and sleep together.

Sonic: *nods* Mm...

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