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Sonic: *sigh*

Tails: Here's the warm water, Sonic.

Sonic: *take the bowl* Thanks... *put the small towel on the bowl and twist the towel*

Tails: Will master be alright?

Sonic: I'm sure he will be alright. *put the towel on Shadow's head*

Knuckles: Hey uh... Tails. I need you. My wounds is not fine yet. I still feel the pain.

Tails: It's because you're moving. You should get rest and not move.

Knuckles: Fine... I just want to see how you guys-

Tails: *push Knuckles* Okay let's go... We will give you some space.

Tails and Knuckles leave the room.

Shadow: *cough* Sonic...

Sonic: *looks* Shadow... You okay? Thank god you're still alive. I'm sorry that I didn't go and save you just in time.

Shadow: *sigh and smile* No... It's my fault. I thought my power has reached my limit. Strong enough to kill the twins. I was wrong... I never be strong.

Sonic: No! You are strong enough! You're just like the ultimate lifeform. I mean immortal.

Shadow: I am immortal but, my immortal is not strong enough. How can I protect you if I weak?

Sonic: *hug Shadow* You're not weak. It was me... I should go and save you.

Shadow: *gets up*

Sonic: Don't get up... Please lay down. Uhh... What can I do for you today? Cook for you or getting you something?

Shadow: Give me the blood pack.

Sonic: Uhh... You sure you don't wanna bite me like before?

Shadow: Sonic... Please, I made a promise where I will never bite you. That was the last time I bite you. Now get the blood pack you lazy hedgehog.

Sonic: *chuckled* Okay, okay. *walk out*

Sonic walk to the kitchen and take the blood pack. A moment later, Scourge and Silver approach in front of him.

Sonic: Uhhh...

Scourge: No, No... We didn't want to hurt you. We just want our blood pack.

Sonic: Oh, okay. I get this for Shadow.

Silver: Is he okay?

Sonic: Yes... He's okay. *run away*

Scourge: I just said that we didn't want to harm him.

>at master's room<

Sonic: Here, Shadow

Shadow: *take the blood pack* Thanks

Sonic: *saw the scar at Shadow's neck* Shadow... Where did you get that scar?

Shadow: A what?

Sonic: Scar...

Shadow: It must be the twins. I remember they're cut my neck.

Sonic: Oh... That's pretty hurt. *hiss*

Shadow: What's wrong?

Sonic: I feel sorry... I feel like I'm the one who should be blame.

Shadow: *shake his head and drink the blood* No... You're wrong. I told you many times, it's not your fault.

Sonic: *look down*

Shadow: *looks and pull Sonic to him and the blood all around them*

Sonic: S-Shadow... Your blood.

Shadow: I don't care... Look at you. The blood suits you perfectly

Sonic: No I'm not... I look like a psycho hedgehog!

Shadow: *kiss him*

Sonic: Shadow...

Shadow: What? I'm just kissing you.

Sonic: *gets up* I'm going to clean myself up *walk to the bathroom*

Shadow: *smirk* hmm...

>At the bathroom<

Sonic was completely naked and Shadow peeking him.

Shadow: *turned off the light*

Sonic: Ahh! Who's turned off the lights?! Shadow!

Shadow: Not me~

Sonic: Oh come on! Turned the lights on.

The lights turned on and Shadow surprisingly in front of Sonic. He was shocked.

Sonic: *quickly cover himself* Ah... I forgot that I completely naked.

Shadow: You look more cute... Wanna play with me like we do in the woods?

Sonic: No! Not today!!

Shadow: Oh come on. I know you want it so badly. I can see in your eyes... You really want it. You want to feel the pleasure~

Sonic: No! Don't ever hypnotize me again! I have something to do!

Shadow: Like what?

Sonic: Uhh... I have to uh... Comb Silver's hair and help Tails with his report and help Knuckles too...

Shadow: You don't need to do that. They're vampire and you're just a hedgehog. Let me help you get some rest.

Sonic: You're the one who should get some rest. Don't you see how the twins defeat you last night?!

Shadow: Then let's take some rest together. I know you're tired as well.

Sonic: Uhhh... Can you give me some privacy?! I need to clean myself.

Shadow: Okay... *teleport away*

Sonic: *continue clean himself*

Shadow: Sonic~~~

Sonic: What?!

Shadow: Hurry up~~

Sonic: I will!!! Sheesh...

I make Sonic more mature and Shadow more childish. :3

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