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Sonic: Okay... I finished. *walk to his closet*

Shadow: Oh Sonic. You don't need to find your clothes. You will sleep naked tonight.


Shadow: *nods slowly and smirk*

Sonic: I don't like that idea. Let me just take my shirt. *wear his white shirt*

Shadow: Mmm... You look more sexy than wearing pants.

Sonic: *blushed* Ummm... Uhhhh...

Shadow: So, shall we begin?~

Sonic: *gulped and nods*


Shadow: *pick Sonic up and lay on the bed with Sonic on top of him*

Sonic: C-Can I go below you? I feel like I feel uncomfortable in this way.

Shadow: Before you do that, you must give me some pleasure first. *take out his member*

Sonic: *rub Shadow's dick*

Shadow: Sonic... I want you to swallow it.

Sonic: What?!!! It's disgusting...

Shadow: Oh it's not disgusting. You never seen your parents do this before?

Sonic: *look down*

Shadow: oh... I'm sorry. I didn't-

Sonic: *shut Shadow's mouth* No... I'm fine. If that's what you want, I will swallow it for you. *swallowed Shadow's dick and move up and down*

Shadow: *groan* Yes~

Sonic: *continue* Mmm~

Shadow: Move faster~

Sonic: *move up and down faster* Mmm~~

Shadow: Yes, Yes... This is so good~~

Sonic: *gasp*

Shadow: *hold Sonic's head and move*

Sonic: Mmffmmm~~

Shadow: Oh Sonic~ I like this~

Sonic: *hug Shadow while rubbing his pussy*

Shadow: I'm cumming~ *cums*

Sonic: *moan louder*

Shadow: *huff* Sonic~

Sonic: *huff* Ah~ It's so hot~~

Shadow: and tasty?~ *chuckled* Now, I think you're ready for this. Let's start... You will be on top of me.

Sonic: But I want to be below you~

Shadow: Oh... It's seems that you can't wait for that. *hold Sonic's ass*

Sonic: *gasp*

Shadow: I will enter you now. You can moan as loud as you want as long as you feel the pleasure.

Sonic: *trembling* O-Okay...

Shadow: And stop trembling, I know you'll love it. *thrust Sonic's pussy*

Sonic: *gasp and moan* Shadow...

Shadow: You ready?

Sonic: *nods* Mmm...

Shadow: *thrust slowly*

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