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The next day, Amy visit Sonic in the next morning like he said. She knocked the door many times until someone opened it.

Sonic: Oh, Amy. Ssshhh... I want you to stay quiet.

Amy: Why?

Sonic: I will explain once we got inside a room.

Sonic take Amy to the empty room where she's safe from the vampires. Amy look at him confused.

Amy: Is there something wrong, Sonic?

Sonic: Uhh... If I tell you, you won't believe me and start laughing.

Amy: No, I won't. Tell me...

Sonic: Well, there are 6 vampires live inside this mansion.

Amy: *chuckled* Oh what?! Sonic, you know vampires aren't real. Stop reading books about vampires!

Sonic: I told you that you won't believe me! There's a real vampires living here and I want you to stay here.

Amy: Oh, so, you're not joking?

Sonic: I'm not joking! They are real! I know that I shouldn't believe but they are!

Amy: Okay, I will stay here and locked the door so they couldn't come in.

Sonic: Great! I need you to be quiet. I will cook some food for you. *walk away*

Amy: Okay!

Sonic quickly ran to the kitchen and then he stumbled upon Scourge, who is thirst for blood. He take the blood pack and he saw Sonic.

Scourge: Oh, hey, there. Sonic...

Sonic: Ugh... Will you leave me alone?! I have something to do right now! *walk pass by*

Scourge: I heard that there's a guest here...

Sonic: What? No, there's no new guest here.

Scourge: Oh. Is that so? I would like to check on Silver if he's doing great. *walk away while laugh evilly*


Sonic: *knocked the door softly*

Amy: *opens the door and let Sonic in*

Sonic: Here. I cook meat with delicious stew.

Amy: Aww... You're so kind! *take the food* I wonder if your father accept our marriage...

Sonic: Wha?!! We never talked about that. My father is happy if both of us getting married.

Amy: Really?! What does he said?!

Sonic: He said, I'm very proud of you if you married with Amy Rose. She's beautiful like your mother and really good at cooking too. She deserves you!

Amy: Aww, Sonic. Your father is nice too just like his son! *eats*

Sonic: Yeah...

Suddenly, there's a bump sound above them and Amy look at Sonic, shocked.

Amy: Is that...?

Sonic: Yeah, that's the vampires. I need to check on them *about to walk away*

Amy: Sonic, you okay if you go alone? I'm afraid you might get hurt.

Sonic: Nah... I'm fine. I will come back later. *walk away and locked the door*

At the second floor, he saw Shadow fighting with Scourge all of a sudden.

Sonic: Shadow! What's going on?!

Shadow: *looks* He just stole my blood pack! The blood pack had my name on it!

Scourge: Hey, there's no name here just a symbols!

Shadow: Yeah, right and that symbols was belong to me! *growl*

Sonic: Okay, ssshhh... Calm down. Scourge, give back the blood pack and I'll take another one.

Scourge: *growls and gives up* Fine!

After the fight and the problems, Sonic walk back to Amy's room and Shadow was curious that he didn't walk into master's room.

Amy: You fight with them?! I heard you're shouting.

Sonic: Yeah... It's hard to take care of them alone. But, I'm good.

Amy: *chuckled* I wonder how on earth that you handle them.

Sonic: You don't wanna know about this. So, you stay here for 2 days?

Amy: mhm... 2 days!

Sonic: Well, enjoy your stay. Oh, I will take you for a walk in the morning. Be sure to wake up on time. I'll pick you up.

Amy: Okay...

>On master's bedroom<

Sonic walk in and saw Shadow standing in front of the window, watching the moon.

Shadow: Sonic, can I talk with you for a while?

Sonic: Shadow, I'm not gonna talk about the same problem! We already settled that!

Shadow: No, It's about something else. Did you bring someone inside your mansion?

Sonic: *surprised* N-No...

Shadow: Really? Then, why I saw you walking inside the other room?

Sonic: Will you please don't get involved in this issues?! I hate you and everything what you said to me!!

Shadow: Is that so? *pinned Sonic harshly into the wall* I asked you the same question, did you bring someone inside this mansion this morning?!

Sonic: *cough* I said no! *cough*

Shadow: *release Sonic*

Sonic: *fall to the ground*

Shadow: I will not kill you for your father's sake. I will keep you like I always did. I don't need to know if you bought any guest here and if she dies... It's your problem. *walk out from the room*

Sonic: (How did he know that the person I bought inside was a girl...?)

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