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Sonic: You saved me.

Shadow: *nods* You're cute that time. Small and cute. You almost look like dying when your father show me. Then, I never see your face again, until now.

Sonic: Wow... And you even met with Rose! Why he destroyed your home?

Shadow: I don't know but he's talking about a goal and revenge. He maybe wants to find you and your father.

Sonic: Now I understand... This makes everything clear now.

Shadow: You know, if your father didn't met me that time, you maybe died and I never seen you again forever.

Sonic: Haha... Yeah. My father hate vampires but then he likes it. He just scared that I might be bitten. That's what he hates it.

Shadow: I see...

Ambrose: *walk in* Uhh...

Shadow: *looks* Rose... What's wrong?

Ambrose: I heard everything what you said.

Shadow: Ah... You've been standing there for a long time?!!

Ambrose: I was about to leave but when you said there's something that Sonic needs to know, I decided to listen to it. I never thought that we met before. I was a kid that time and I don't even remember I know you.

Shadow: It's okay, Rose. It's over now right?

Ambrose: Yeah.

Sonic: *chuckled*

Shadow: What?

Sonic: I think you and Rose will be a great duo.

Ambrose: No, we're not. Anyway, sorry for what I did to you. I will go now.

Shadow: It's okay. At least you know and I don't have to repeat this to you when we have a free time together.

Ambrose: *chuckled* Yeah... Well, see you tonight. *walk away*

Sonic: Oh, I have something to do. Will you follow me Shadow?

Shadow: Ah... Sure. Where we going?

Sonic: Just follow me.

>At the underground basement<

Shadow: Underground basement???

Sonic: uh-huh. You don't know we have this under the mansion?

Shadow: It's been so long I didn't explore this mansion since we came here.

Sonic: Oh, I see. Well... *walk inside one of the prison cell*

Shadow: Sonic! What are you doing?! You will get dirty!

Sonic: Huh? No, I'm okay. So, did you get what I thought?

Shadow look at the blue hedgehog in his sexy pose with a chain on his neck. Shadow gulped and he get it. He walk in and pinned Sonic down.

Shadow: You such a naughty, dirty, blue hedgehog!

Sonic: Oh... Haha. I thought you don't get it. Well, will you tie me up with this chains? Pretend that I'm your vampire pet slaves.

Shadow: Sure, Sonic. *tie Sonic up with the chains* You wanna make get rough?

Sonic: I want it so badly... You never thought that this was your gift. You've been protecting me all this time.

Shadow: I think it's better for you to become my angel instead of vampire. You make me feel comfortable.

Sonic: Well, I am. *kiss Shadow while take off Shadow's pants*

Shadow: *kiss back while take off Sonic's pants* So, shall we do this?

Sonic: *moan* Y-Yes... Shadow.

Oopppsss! Forgot to add this NSFW warning!!!

Shadow: *thrust his member into Sonic's pussy*

Sonic: *moan* S-Shadow~

Shadow: Oh, sorry. I shouldn't go rough now. I will be gentle with you until you get used to it again.

Sonic: No... It's not hurt~ I like to moan like that~ You can move now~

Shadow: *move slowly* You like it?

Sonic: *moan* Ah~ Y-Yeah. I love it so much!~

Shadow: Oh, you look more enjoying this moment? Do you like you've been fucked by edgy vampire with your body been tied up in chains? Like a pathetic, cute slaves?

Sonic: Ah~ This is what I dreamed of~

Shadow: Hmm.. Well, your dream is come true. Shall I move faster? I got so hard.

Sonic: Yeah~

Shadow: *move faster and deeper* Oh~ You're so tight~

Sonic: *moan louder* Don't stop~

Shadow: *chuckled evilly* Look at you... Just like a slut slaves that needs pleasure so badly. I wonder what your father will say if he saw this~~

Sonic: Oh come on~ even he's dead, he still can see us... Up there~

Shadow: I see... Maria and Amy saw this too huh? *hug Sonic tight and move more faster*

Sonic: Ah~ It's hot~ Cum into me Shads~

Shadow: *groaned* Moan more for me baby~ I need you to moan now~

Sonic: *moan louder*

Shadow: Oh god~ Your moaning are so fucking cute!~ I can't resist it!~ I'm cumming!!~ *cums heavily*

Sonic: *scream in pleasure* Yes! Fill me up!! *pants*

Shadow: *pants* I love you~ *kiss Sonic's head*

Sonic: Well, wanna go for another round?

Shadow: We will continue this on midnight and I will make sure that you won't be able to walk tomorrow.

Sonic: Oh~ You evil psycho hedgehog!

Shadow: Am I look psycho to you? Hmm?

Sonic: *chuckled*


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