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>After 3 days<

Inside the Twilight Forest, Ambrose heal himself and as he do that, he heard someone's walking towards him.

???: Hi, there. Rose... Do you miss me?

Ambrose: Who the hell are you and how do you know my name?! (This voice... Sounds familiar)

Blake: It's me... Your brother... *walk out from the dark. Blaky...

Ambrose: *gasp* Blake... Is that really you?! *hug Blake* I miss you so much!!! I thought you've been killed!!

Blake: I am but somehow I am not. Listen, I want to make revenge.

Ambrose: You want to revenge Shadow and the others?! No buddy. I command you not to touch them, especially Sonic.

Blake: I know Rose, that's why I prepared myself with this dark magic.

Ambrose: a taboo? I told you it is not good! We promise that we didn't learn black magic!!

Blake: What just happened to you Rose? Did they brainwashed you? You look scared and you didn't dare yourself to get close to them.

Ambrose: Blaky, Sonic was right. It is no use to fight back or take revenge. You don't know what I've been through!!!!

Blake: Oh really? Remember where you gathered all the seven vampire brothers?

Ambrose: I... I remember some of it but I don't know why I do that.

Blake: I control you to do that but that plan didn't worked.


Blake: I know and I'm very sorry okay. This time, I won't let you in danger again. But, can you give me a favor?

Ambrose: What is it?

Blake: *whisper* I want your body.

Ambrose: *push Blake* NO!! YOU HAVE YOUR OWN!!!

Blake: *laugh hysterically* REALLY?!!! Listen, Rose. If you lend me your body, I will lend you my immortal powers. Isn't that fair?

Ambrose: Even you give us a fair deal, I won't let you take my body that easily!!! *turned into dust*

Blake: *cough* Ha... Nevermind... I can find someone to possess. *look at the sky* I can't wait for the full moon.

>At the mansion<


Sonic: Coming!! *open the door*

Ambrose: *slightly wave his hand* H-H-Hi...

Sonic: *smash the door and run away* AAAAHHHH!!!! *stopped* Wait... Isn't that... Rose?! *run back to the door and open it*

Ambrose: *awkwardly confused* W-Why did you do that?!

Sonic: I thought it was someone else and ah! I've been try to find you but I can't find a way to get out from this mansion.

Ambrose: Well, that's good and- did you just said that you want to find me?

Sonic: aha...

Ambrose: Umm... C-can I- *turned into a hedgehog* Pick me up!

Sonic: *gasp cutely and quickly pick Ambrose up* aaahhh!!! How cute you are!!! Ah... *shut his mouth* I shouldn't make a noise.

Ambrose: Where's your vampire brothers?

Sonic: All of them are sleeping... *close the door and walk into an empty room*

Ambrose: *looks* This room was big

Sonic: Yup... You can stay here as long as you want.

Ambrose: No, Sonic. I can't... I have something to tell you. Blake isn't dead yet.

Sonic: *gasp* You're not kidding?!

Ambrose: *shake his head* No... This time, he comes back with taboo and dark magic. At first, he found me and wants to take my body so I can have his dark magic in order to take revenge!!

Sonic: Revenge again? *sigh*

Ambrose: *looks* I know how you feel Sonic but I can't stop him. He's much more powerful and I was scared of it.

Sonic: *look down and saw Ambrose still in his hedgehog form* You're not like my Ambrose that I know at first. You've changed.

Ambrose: Really? I'm scared Sonic... I'm so scared... After I kill your baby and all everything... I was responsible for the death of the baby.

Sonic: *kiss Ambrose on his cheek, since he's a little hedgehog* haha... I forgive you.

Ambrose: ah... *turn back to normal and kiss Sonic as he pinned him down on the bed* Mmm...

Sonic: *moan* Mmm~

Ambrose: *slide to Sonic's stomach and kiss it*

Sonic: *moan and looks* W-What are you doing?

Ambrose: *smirk* Well, I just want to give you my pleasure~

Sonic: Ah... Please. Not now. *gets up and hold Ambrose* Shadow might heard us.

Ambrose: It's okay. How about I tease you a little bit?

Sonic: Actually, I don't like being teased.

Ambrose: *sigh* Fine... *change into hedgehog again* I'll sleep on top of your stomach but don't let me being squash by you once I woke up!!

Sonic: *chuckled* Yeah yeah... It's best for you to sleep beside my head. *pick Ambrose up and put him beside his head*

Ambrose: *hug Sonic cheek* Hmm...

Sonic: Good night, Rose. *Thinking about Amy*

Ambrose: Night...

Sonic: *smiled* (I'll protect you Rose... Just like my Amy)

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