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>A months later<

Sonic finally gets pregnant and he's sleeping in the master's bedroom. Shadow walk in with food and he wakes Sonic up.

Shadow: Hey babe... You must be hungry. I've brought you some food.

Sonic: Oh Shadow. Thanks.

Shadow: *put the food besides him* So, can I rub your belly?

Sonic: *chuckled* Sure. You can rub while I'm eating. *eats*

Shadow: *rub Sonic's belly* I can't wait to see our baby.

Sonic: Hmmm... I wonder if we get a baby who's half vampire.

Shadow: Yeah... I can teach our baby some lessons. Do you finally know what to name our baby?

Sonic: I'm still thinking Shadow.


Shadow: Come in.

Tails: Master... There's a good news and... Bad news.

Shadow: Tell me.

Tails: Good news is we got many blood pack in the fridge like master said and the bad news is... The twins.

Shadow: Are they here?

Tails: I guess so. Since the last fight, they didn't giving up. Now, they're start send this letter. It has Sonic real name on it.

Shadow: Give me that letter.

Tails: *give Shadow the letter* What should we do master? Are we gonna fight back?

Shadow: I'll figure it out.

Tails: *nods and walk out*

Sonic: Shads...

Shadow: Uh... Let's see *read the letter*

Hi, son of Jules,

I have something to tell you. We can't wait to see your face once again oh, I want to see your vampire friends, Shadow the weak vampire.

I wonder if your blood taste very delicious than Shadow. I also craving for your pleasure, hearing your moaning and screaming like a little girl. Ah... I can hear it while I write this letter.

Well, see you tonight.

Shadow: *growl*

Sonic: S-Shads?

Shadow: Aaarrrggghhh!!! *throw the paper away*

Sonic: *walk to Shadow and try to calm him down* Shads

Shadow: *look at Sonic aggressively*

Sonic: *whimpered* ah!

Shadow: Oh no... No... I'm not mad at you. You really need to calm me down.

Sonic: *hug Shadow* So, what the twins said?

Shadow: You know they want a revenge and... They really want you so badly.

Sonic: What they want from me anyway? I don't really care about revenge anymore. Even they're the one who kill my family.

Shadow: You sure that those twins kill your family? Including your father?

Sonic: *nods*

Shadow: Listen... You just stay here tonight. Tails will protect your room.

Sonic: Okay. Whatever happens to you, I will go out.

Shadow: No, just stay here. I don't want let you and the baby got hurt.

Sonic: Mm...

>That night<

Tails: Sonic...

Sonic: Tails... Is the twins here?

Tails: We guarding this mansion now. Shadow is fine and he's ready to fight.

Sonic: I see... I hope he's fine.

Tails: *nods*

>Outside the mansion<

Shadow: Keep your eyes wide open and make sure that everything is secured.

Knuckles: Yes master!!

Silver: I can't wait for them to come. I'm ready!

Shadow: Good... They won't stand a chance against us again. Not tonight.

>Back in the master's room<

Espio: Tails...

Tails: E-Espio!!

Espio: You should go out and help them. You must protect them. I'll protect Sonic here.

Tails: But, this is master's orders.

Espio: Just go! I don't care!

Tails: Um... Okay! *run away*

Sonic: Espio... I... I never seen you since the first time we met.

Espio: I'm hiding... That's what I'm doing all this years.

Sonic: What? Hiding?

Espio: The twins... They're my biggest rivals in my entire life. They killed my family and turned me into a vampire.

Sonic: Wha-! You!

Espio: *nods* I know that makes you feel disbelief but it's true. My powers is not match with them.

Sonic: I believe...

Espio: Thanks...


???: Tch... They're guarding the mansion very tight.

???: Anyway, what are we doing here again?

???: We here to greet Jules's son and... Kill him like what we did to his father.

???: I don't like to kill anymore Ambrose...

Ambrose: What?! You kidding me right?

Okay, you guys know who's Ambrose is. Ambrose is gender bender of Amy. Remember the Love Twins story? Yeah... That's him.

???: No... I just. It's boring. Can we do something else?

Ambrose: *sigh* Listen, Blaky. You must do what I said if not... I will...

Blake: *sigh* Kill me? Take out my heart from my chest?

Blake is gender bender of Blaze if you don't know.

Ambrose: Ugh... Sounds brutal but I will not do that to you *hug Blake awkwardly*

Blake: So, can we go now?

Ambrose: *smirk as his red eyes glowing* Oh yes... You can't wait for the fun right? Let's go~

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