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On the next day, Sonic and Shadow walk out after the sun rise. Shadow quickly take his umbrella and cover himself before he proceeded.

Sonic: You ready?

Shadow: Yes...

Sonic: *look around and smell the air* I never got out from the mansion since I moved in.

Shadow: Well, you're lucky.


There was a small house nearby the river. There's also a small farm and a cage for small animal. Shadow got his attention to the small animal but Sonic stopped him and knock the door. Amy reached it and she smiled.

Amy: Oh, Shadow here too?

Sonic: Yeah... I have something to do to him.

Amy: Well, come in. I have made some tea and cookies.

Shadow: *groan*

Amy: Oh, you didn't like tea, Shadow?

Shadow: I prefer red wine...

Amy: Sure! I have one on the fridge... I will take it for you.

Amy take them to have a seat and take a red wine on the fridge. She walk back and having a conversation. Sonic sit near Amy.

Sonic: Ames, you sure you're okay?

Amy: I'm okay. The bite didn't gone from my neck even after some weeks.

Sonic: I see *look at Shadow with his deadly stare*

Shadow: *sigh* The bite won't gone from you. It means there are two options on what happens to you. Whether you're dead or you'll turned into a vampires.

Amy: *panicking* Huh?!

Sonic: *hold Amy's hand* Sshh... Okay. Calm down.

Amy: That's why I feel sick after I got back home from the mansion.

Sonic: Amy, tell me that when you and Shadow are talking, after you got out, you never told me that Shadow bite you!

Amy: I didn't even know that Shadow bite me. What I saw is just stars and beautiful dark sky.

Sonic: *sigh* Shadow must've been hypnotize you!

Amy: Oh... Well...

Sonic: I'm not mad at you. I love you so much. I will never leave you.

Amy: *sobbing* Sonic, if I die, will you take this ring? *show the ring*

Sonic: That's- our engagement ring.

Amy: *nods* If I die, you take this ring for me and promise me that you will take care for me.

Sonic: S-Sure... I will take care for you. *take the ring and kiss Amy's hand romantically*

Shadow: *look away while drinking his wine*

Amy: *coughing*

Sonic: You should go to your bed. Your sick again.

Amy: I'm fine but if that's what you want, I will go. *gets up and walk to her room*

Shadow: *look at Sonic* So, you wanna stay here for a while?

Sonic: Yeah... I want to look after her for a while.

Shadow: Okay...

In the night, Sonic was slept on the couch while Shadow walk to Amy's room. He saw the pink hedgehog sleeping too.

Shadow: Amy

Amy: Hmm? Shadow?

Shadow: *feel her pulse* (Damn, she will be dead soon)

Amy: What are you doing?

Shadow: Amy... What can I do before you go?

Amy: *smile weakly* Please, take care of Sonic for me. Take a good care like you take care of your girlfriend.

Shadow: *sigh* Amy... If you die, please, take care and look for Maria.

Amy: *nods* S-Sure... You two should go back home now. It's late.

Shadow: *hold Amy's hand* I should take you to the village. Nobody's know you're dead.

Amy: *sigh* I have a friend name Cream the rabbit. She will come tomorrow. I told her that afternoon.

Shadow: Okay. We will leave now. *kiss Amy*

Amy: Sadly, that Sonic didn't give me a kiss. Will you wake Sonic up?

Sonic: No, I'm here...

Shadow: *turned around and saw Sonic mysteriously appeared*

Sonic: I heard you two talking so I woke up.

Amy: Sonic, give me a kiss before I go.

Sonic: What?! You're dying?! *rush to Amy*

Amy: Calm down. I know you will miss me so much.

Sonic: But, we never get married yet!! I imagined that two of us got married and we have two kids. It was one boy and one girl. We live in a happy family. I really wish I would be a father!

Amy: *chuckled* Me too. I imagined the same thing. Listen, you two should go back home. *look at the rings on Sonic's finger and cry*

Sonic: Amy?

Amy: *look at Shadow* Shadow, you two should go. Please... *sobbing*

Sonic: Amy...

Shadow: *hold Sonic's shoulder* Come on Sonic. We have to go.

Sonic: Amy *crying* No! I won't leave you until you go!!

Amy: Oh, Sonic. You're such a crybaby *sniff* Grown up and don't throw yourself into fantasy all the time.

Sonic: Amy! I love you!!!

Amy: *gasp and sniff* I love you too...

Soon, Sonic and Shadow walk out from the house, leaving Amy dying from the vampire bite. Sonic suddenly feel sleepy and he kneeled down on the ground.

Shadow: Sonic, we're halfway there. Hold on, wake up.

Sonic: *whimpered* I told you that I would feel sleepy. Will you pick me up? I can't hold it much longer.

Shadow: Hmm... *pick Sonic up and carry him like in a bride style*

Sonic: *falls asleep instantly*

Shadow: (Wow, he sure feel tired after what just happened to him) Sonic... It's only you and me now. I will take care of you from now on.

Sonic: *mumbling*

Shadow: *smile and fly to the mansion*

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