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Sonic wake up early to make sure that Amy walk back home safety.

Sonic: Thanks for staying here...

Amy: Haha... You know, I'm going to visit you again next year. This time, I want you to take me to your garden.

Sonic: Well, sure. I will remember that.

Amy: *nods* Goodbye... *waved her hand and walk away*

Sonic: Bye... *waved back*

Later, Sonic walk to master's room and saw Shadow laying on the bed. He suddenly feel hot in a sudden.

Sonic: (ugh... Why I suddenly feel like I have to do this...?)

Devil Sonic: (Hey, listen. This is your opportunity to show that you loved him so much!! I know you want to confess your feelings right now)

Sonic: (But I-)

Angel Sonic: (Sonic, no. Remember that you said it's not good to seduce people in a bad ways!)

Devil Sonic: (Oh shut up! You seduce people too with your innocent and horny action!!!)

Angel Sonic: (Hey! I am not doing that!!)

Sonic: (Shut up!!! *sigh* Let me do the decision!!)

Devil Sonic: (Well, you just jumped into him and give him your surprise! I can't imagine when you and Shadow do that... Sexy thing! *daydreaming about Shadow and Sonic doing sex*)

Sonic: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!

Shadow: *wake up* Huh?!!!

Sonic: *gasp* Oh... Uh... I didn't mean to... I-

Shadow: *teleport to Sonic* You can say that again... I don't care since you had your love one...

Sonic: (tch...) No, it's... I have something in my mind make me said that! It's not about you at all... *shaking*

Shadow: *hold Sonic's hand softly*

Sonic: *looks*

Shadow: You afraid to lose her that day, just like me... You really love her so much... But, I have to tell you something... Remember the love bite?

Sonic: Huh...

Shadow: She will turned into a vampire or maybe dead if she don't have any luck.

Sonic: YOU MURDER!!! *push Shadow away* YOU UGLY BITCH!!!


Sonic: Father was right. Not all vampire is nice. I shouldn't believe that much. Now, I don't care if you anymore!! You and your friend will leave tonight!!!

Shadow: and what happened if I didn't get out? You try to punish me?

Sonic: No! More than punishment!! YOU SHOULD BE KILLED!!!

Shadow: You think so?

Sonic: Don't challenge me Shadow...

Shadow: hmph... *hypnotize Sonic*

Sonic: Ugh! What?! Ah!

Shadow: From now on... You will obey me and listen to me. You understand?

Sonic: *being hypnotized* Yes... Master...

Shadow: Good... I will brainwashed you for now because after I let you go from my control, you will never listen to me...

Sonic: Yes... Master...


Sonic woke up and he feel confused after what's going on.

Sonic: Ugh... I feel dizzy all of a sudden. What happened??

Shadow: *walk in* Good evening, Sonic. You're having a good sleep?

Sonic: M-Master... (Wait, why on earth I call him master?!)

Shadow: *chuckled* You're so cute... *walk to Sonic and pet his head*

Sonic: *purred* (W-Why I'm enjoying this shit?!)

Shadow: You hungry?

Sonic: Uh... Yeah. Master, what happened to me?

Shadow: Oh, you look fine. Nothing wrong.

Sonic: But, I feel something missing in my head and I don't know what is it.

Shadow: Hmm... You have a bad dream?

Sonic: I don't know if it's a dream or not. I yelled at you to go out and I don't know what's going on. Maybe it's just a dream, sorry...

Shadow: You just feel hungry, that's all. I will come back to you with food. *walk out* (It worked... Now, I just need Sonic to love me)

Sonic: *rub his head* I can't remember anything after I mad at Shadow... What is going on here?

Mephiles: Well, it's because Shadow has something to do with you.

Sonic: M-Mephiles?! Since when you got here?!!

Mephiles: Ssshhh... I'm here not to harm you. I just want to send you a message. I apologize for what I have done to you that day.

Sonic: Apologize accepted. What Shadow want from me?

Mephiles: After the incident of his girlfriend died... He decided to get motivation to believe in love again. He needs you...

Sonic: I... I'm useless to him. He didn't even love me. I know that.

Mephiles: You think so? Well, maybe not now. You will know when the time has come. I will leave you now before Shadow came in.

Sonic: You came in just to send a message?

Mephiles: Me and Scourge know about this event... So, we're gonna help you to understand before you think something misunderstanding.

Sonic: Oh, okay. Thanks... Uh... Wait.

Mephiles: Hmm?

Sonic: Keep watching me okay? I'm scared with Shadow right now.

Mephiles: *chuckled* You don't need to be scared with him. You're gonna be alright.

Sonic: Agh... *sigh*

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