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Shadow: Sonic! Sonic!!

Espio: *saw Shadow walk pass him* Master...

Shadow: Oh, hey, there Espio. You rarely walk out from your room.

Espio: Yeah, by the way, Sonic was outside the mansion since this morning.

Shadow: Thanks, Espio *walk away*

Silver: Hey, Espio...

Espio: *looks* Yes, Silver?

Silver: Nothing... I forgot what the thing I want to say.

Espio: Oh...

Silver: Tch... Why you just showed yourself just now?!!

Espio: *looks* What you're talking about?

Silver: You hide yourself for all these years?

Espio: I have my point why I locked myself in the room.

Silver: What are you doing anyway?

Espio: Why you suddenly mad at me like I've done something wrong to you?!

Silver: You forgot our promise.

Espio: I told you before... We never make any promises.

Silver: Tch... *run away*

Espio: Silver...

>In master's room<

Shadow: *growled* Where is he going? Ah!

Sonic: *turned around* Shadow...

Shadow: You... *run to Sonic and grab his hands*

Sonic: Ah!

Shadow: I've been searching for you around this mansion! Where have you been?!!!

Sonic: I... I go to my father place. I want to search something there and there was this *show him inhibitor ring*

Shadow: That's... *look at his ring*

Sonic: What?

Shadow: That's inhibitor ring. The ring was to protect a vampire power from become the ultimate chaos.

Sonic: I think it's belong to Rose. I wonder why me and Rose fighting... It was my fault not my father!!

Shadow: You and Rose have met each other?

Sonic: Yeah... He's my friend but my father said he was my cousin.

Shadow: Huh... I didn't see any relationship between you two. He didn't even talking about you while I'm fighting with him.

Sonic: I need to find him!

Shadow: You don't have to! Remember what he has done?! He just killed our baby!!!

Sonic: But, if we didn't stop him, he might come back and hurt me again.

Shadow: He didn't know that you're alive.

Sonic: But...

Shadow: *hold Sonic's cheek* If you dare to disobey me, I'll drink all your blood.

Sonic: Tch...

Shadow: I'm not mad, I'm just, I don't to lose you babe...

Sonic: *looks and blushed* S-Shadow...

Shadow: You almost dead on that time and I thought I might not be able to see you again.

Sonic: *look down*

Shadow: *growled*

Sonic: Shadow... Ah... Let me get you the blood pack *about to leave*

Shadow: *hold Sonic and throw him to bed, pinned him down*

Sonic: Shadow...

Shadow: Your blood are so tasty. I want to taste it again. Mind if I bite you again?

Sonic: ah... Shadow...

Shadow: Come on say it! *groan*

Sonic: S-Sure... (I don't know if I want it or not but Shadow couldn't hold up much longer... I will tell him something after this)

Shadow: *smile and bite Sonic*

Sonic! *moan and whimpers*

Shadow: *bite more deeply*

Sonic: Ah! Shadow...

Shadow: Mmm~~

Sonic: Tch... *push Shadow away* Stop it!!

Shadow: What's wrong?

Sonic: *gets up* If you don't mind, I want to find Rose tonight.

Shadow: No!

Sonic: If you try to stop me, I will never let you drink my blood again. *quickly run away*

Shadow: Sonic...

>At Jules's land<

Ambrose: *hear footsteps and hide somewhere*

Sonic: Rose! Rose! I know you're here!

Ambrose: *whispering* Shoot... *appear in front Sonic*

Sonic: Ah! I knew you're here.

Ambrose: How???

Sonic: *take out the inhibitor ring* Your ring

Ambrose: *looks and remember some of the flashback* Agh!

Sonic: Oh no. Did I do something bad?!

Ambrose: Why... Why would you come back to me?

Sonic: Because... You're my friend... I can't be happy without you.

Ambrose: You think that I'm your friend?

Sonic: Uhh... Yeah?? Anyway, I came all the way here to bring back your ring.

Ambrose: *look at his right arms* Ha... That's why I feel something's gone.

Sonic: Oh you better wear it before you become...

Ambrose: *groan* I am... Sonic~ *pinned Sonic down*

Sonic: R-Rose... What are you-

Ambrose: Feed me Sonic. You said that I'm your friend. So, you must help your friend, right?

Sonic: *gulped* But, Rose... I've been bitten so many vampires before. What if I turned into a vampire this time?!

Ambrose: Oh, don't worry... I won't kill you and let you drink my blood. That's how you turned into a vampire.

Sonic: O-Okay... Be gentle to me~

Ambrose: Sure~ *bite Sonic neck*

Sonic: *gasp* Ah~ Your teeth... Are sharper than Shadow~

Ambrose: *suck the blood* Mmm~

Sonic: Rose stop. I can feel like I'm dying!!

Ambrose: *let go* I'm not full yet...

Sonic: You should go and find something to suck like small animals.

Ambrose: I never done that... I always bite Blake. *gasp* Blake! I forgot about him!!! He must be killed!!!

Sonic: Oh... I'm sorry.

Ambrose: *shake his head* Sonic... You should go back home before I hurt you.

Sonic: But-

Ambrose: *growled* GO!!!

Sonic: Tch... *run away*

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