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>Inside room 66<

Scourge: Oh, come on. You can't even hurt that blue hedgehog isn't it?

Silver: We can't when master is always keep an eye on him.

???: Well, just leave it to me. I will check on that blue hedgehog tonight.

Silver: You can't. Master's always watching.

???: He leave me no choice. I have to bait him to my room and we will see. By the way, why don't you two get out right now before I summon my demon to kill you.

Scourge: Yeah... Like that gonna happen.

>A few minutes later<

Sonic: *saw Silver and Scourge in front of the room 66* Uhh... You guys okay?

Silver: *hug Sonic* Oh, Sonic. I'm hurt...

Sonic: Uhh... Want me to get some blood for ya? Again?

Scourge: No need hedgehog! We have business to do *grab Silver*

Silver: Hey, cut it off!!!

Sonic: O-kay...

>Later at master's room<

Shadow: *looks*

Sonic: Morning, Shadow. I slept well last night.

Shadow: That's good. I wake up because I heard a banging sound coming from the hallway.

Sonic: Oh, it's just Scourge and Silver.

Shadow: Hmm... They always make a mess. Have you met with Mephiles?

Sonic: *shocked* No... Not yet. Why you asked?

Shadow: Nothing, he is so lazy to get out from his room and always sleeping in daytime.

Sonic: Well, that's what vampires do. Sleep in the day and wake up in the night. Why you guys didn't sleep in daytime?

Shadow: We have our schedule when was the day we sleep all day. For today, Tails and Silver should sleep right now.

Sonic: Oh... I see. You seems like an organized person.

Shadow: *looks* your clothes. You didn't even changed them since last night. There's still blood on your clothes.

Sonic: *chuckled*

Shadow: *groan and kneeled down on the floor*

Sonic: Shadow, what's wrong?

Shadow: I need blood. Go get the blood pack on the fridge.

Sonic: *looks*

Shadow: What are you doing?! Don't standing there like an idiot!

Sonic: *pick Shadow up and put him on the bed*

Shadow: What are you doing? *groaning*

Sonic: *take off his shirt*

Shadow: Sonic...?

Sonic: Sorry, Shadow. I'm too lazy to go to the kitchen. I guess you have to drink my blood instead.

Shadow: Sonic... No, I don't want to bite you!

Sonic: Come on Shadow. It's too late for me to take the blood now. Remember that I'm immune to vampires bite?

Shadow: Tch, F-Fine. *groan* Next time, I won't drink your blood again. *lean forward to Sonic's neck and bite*

Sonic: *groan and moaning* S-Shadow~

Shadow: Mmm~

Sonic: *moaning* Why I suddenly feel hot?~

Shadow: Mmm~ Sonic~

Sonic: *hug Shadow tight* Shadow~ It's hurt~

Shadow: *pull out* Sorry Sonic~

Sonic: It's- okay...

Shadow: Do you mind if I bite another side of your neck?

Sonic: *shocked* (I never seen a vampires bite two times on my both neck)

Shadow: Um... It's okay if you don't want to...

Sonic: I'm okay with that! You can take another bite!

Shadow: *smile* Okay *bite other side of Sonic's neck*

Sonic: *groan*

Shadow: Mmm~

Sonic: (It's hurt on both sides of my neck. I don't know if I can handle this. I can feel Shadow bite me deeper this time)

Shadow: Sonic~

Sonic: Hmm?

Shadow: I love you~

Sonic: (D-Did he just say I LOVE YOU?!!!!)

Shadow: *pull out* You okay?~

Sonic: *nods* Hmm...

>That night<

Sonic: *on the bed with blankets wrapped around him*

Shadow: *walk in with food*

Sonic: *looks* Thanks Shadow...

Shadow: I'm sorry that you're having a fever after I bite you. I will not do that again.

Sonic: It's not your fault, Shadow. It's my fault that I let you bite me. Besides that, I'm fine.

Shadow: For now, I have to take care of you and I will not sleep all night.

Sonic: *sigh* Thanks for everything...

Shadow: *smile*


Scourge: Shoot! He just keep watching him!

???: Hmmm... I guess I have to deal with them next day.

Scourge: Tch, Why not tonight? I lure Shadow outside and you will handle Sonic.

Shadow: *walk out* What you two doing here?

Scourge: Uhhh...

???: We just want to greet with Sonic. I heard that he's sick.

Shadow: Not tonight Mephiles, I will make sure that you two won't mess up with him.

Scourge: *growl and walk away*

Mephiles: I see... Well then, I will visit him tomorrow night. *walk away*

Shadow: Hmmm

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