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>On the next day<

Sonic: *sigh*

Shadow: Something wrong?

Sonic: Nothing...

Shadow: You hungry? I can cook for you. *about to get up*

Sonic: No, I'm fine. No need. I just want to go for a walk.

Shadow: But you still sick *feel Sonic's forehead* See, you still feel hot.

Sonic: Shadow...

Shadow: *sigh* Fine... I will tell Knuckles to company you.

>Later, at the park<

Sonic: Thanks Knuckles for company me walking at the garden.

Knuckles: No worries. Lucky for us that this umbrella is fit for two person.

Sonic: *stops*

Knuckles: Why we stopped?

Sonic: Listen, how long you guys gonna stays here?

Knuckles: As long as your father give us the permission to stay.

Sonic: Who are you guys? My father didn't even tell me about you all.

Knuckles: Well, we were called as the vamp brother. We came from the fight that we've been through many years. We can't find a place to stay longer. Then, master found someone who can help us and that time, your father came to help.

Sonic: I don't understand. My father hate vampires so much because that's the one who kill my mom, my brother and my sister.

Knuckles: Oh, I'm so sorry about that. We really sorry.

Sonic: It's okay. I accept that fate. That's when my father give me a medical thing and make me immune to vampire bite.

Knuckles: I see... Well, your father maybe hate vampires but he did not hate us because we help him especially our master.

Sonic: Shadow... He's the close one to my father's bond. But, why don't you guys find another mansion to stay?

Knuckles: We- we can't do that. You see, your father use his magic to make a barrier around this mansion. Sometimes, he give us permission to go far a bit from the mansion.

Sonic: Why?! I mean, why he made that barrier?!

Knuckles: Because he's worried about us and maybe you.

Sonic: Maybe...

Tails: Knuckles!!! *run towards them*

Knuckles: Tails, what's up?

Tails: Master need Sonic to go back to his room. He has reached his limits.

Sonic: What?! My time is out already?!

Tails: Sorry, Sonic. I had to.

Sonic: It's okay, Tails. I will go back to my room now. Thanks Knuckles.

Knuckles: No problem!

>At master's bedroom<

Sonic: I'm here, Shadow.

Shadow: *turned around and show Sonic the pills* Here...

Sonic: Shadow?

Shadow: It's from your father.

Sonic: Since when you leave?!

Shadow: A minute ago. I did tell your father about I bite you uncontrollably. He mad at me and now I can't bite you.

Sonic: Shadow... You don't need to follow my father's orders. *walk to Shadow and hug him*

Shadow: *surprised* Sonic...

Sonic: I... Love you too.

Shadow: (He... Loves me?!) What?

Sonic: I love you. Remember that you said that word to me while you bite me?

Shadow: I... I accidentally said that, I didn't mean that at all.

Sonic: (Shadow...) *run away*

Shadow: Sonic! Wait! *growl* DAMN YOU!! *Crush the pills*

>Outside, at the garden, nighttime<

Sonic: *sobbing* Stupid, Idiot!! Why I should believe that word!! I shouldn't said that in a first place!

Suddenly, Sonic heard a rustling sound coming from the bush. He didn't realize that he running until he end up in a maze garden.

???: Sonic...? Is that you...?

Sonic: Who's there?!

Mephiles: *walks out from the dark* Don't be afraid...

Sonic: *gasp*

Scourge: *laugh* We got you now!!

Silver: *looks*

Sonic: What you guys want?!

Scourge: Oh, we wanna help you to get out from this maze garden.

Sonic: Huh?! Am I trapped inside the maze garden?!

Silver: Well, you are.

Mephiles: I see the fact that Shadow broke your heart. How sad...

Silver: What?! He really did that?! Wow, he's so arrogant like always.

Scourge: You shouldn't believe what master said to you. He really said about something mean.

Sonic: *gets up and wipe away his tears*

Mephiles: Where you wanna go?

Sonic: Go back to my room of course.

Mephiles: Oh, why don't we have some fun first? *summon his tentacle demon*

Sonic: What?!! *being wrapped around the tentacles* Let me go!!

Scourge: *laugh* Now, this is what I want!

Silver: Hey, he's not only yours! Remember that we have to share his blood?!!

Scourge: Whatever, be sure that I'm the one who be the first to taste his blood.

Sonic: Please, no. I don't wanna get hurt.

Mephiles: Calm down Sonic. I know you have immune to vampires bite so, you won't be dead or turned into vampires easier, right?

Sonic: B-But... I'm tired.

Mephiles: You don't need to do anything. Let the demon do its work.

Sonic didn't realized that one of the tentacles are teasing his tail. He blush deeply and shouting for Shadow's help.

Sonic: Shadow!!! *whimpering*

Love Bites [SonAdow]Where stories live. Discover now