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Amy was bored waiting inside the room longer so he decided to walk out for a while. She didn't know that the vampires are watching her.

Scourge: Psst... Hey you...

Amy: *looks around* Huh?

Scourge: You got lost? Hey... I never seen you before. How did you get inside?

Amy: H-Huh?! (This must be the vampire... I must be careful.)

Scourge: Let me take care of you for a while.

Amy: D-Don't come near me!! I-I will call Sonic!!

Scourge: Oh, did the blue hedgehog let you in? *chuckled* That's why I feel like I've been curious all day. Why don't you come closer so I can see you clearly? *walk to Amy*

Amy: No! *walk back slowly*

Scourge: Oh come on! I won't hurt you and I'm Sonic's best friends.

Amy: You're lying... I know you're lying!! *run away*

Scourge: Tch!

>In the kitchen<

Amy: Sonic?! He's not here! *saw a knife and take it*

Scourge: Ha! Where you wanna go now?!

Amy: I will kill you if you come near me!!

Scourge: *laugh* That knife won't kill me instantly.

Amy: *run away*

Scourge: Oh, you wanna play hide and seek? Well then. The game begins...

>On the second floor, at master's room<

Sonic: Shadow...

Shadow: *looks* What now?

Sonic: Y-You don't need to be harsh on her! She just need a stay!

Shadow: Stay?! *throw something to Sonic* She will fucking die if you let her stay here longer!!!

Sonic: It's just 2 days!!

Suddenly, they heard screaming coming from the first floor. Sonic quickly run to the first floor and Shadow follow him.

>On the first floor<

Sonic witness Amy has been cornered by Scourge and he stepped into the fight.

Scourge: Oh, look who's coming... Your prince hedgehog. How cute...

Sonic: *look at Amy* Amy, I told you to stay in your room!!

Amy: But, I'm bored staying this long and I'm so sorry!!

Scourge: *stab Sonic*

Sonic: *groan*

Amy: Sonic!!!

Scourge: Hmph... Weak. *pull Amy's hair*

Amy: *scream* Hey! Let me go!!!

Shadow: Scourge!!!

Scourge: Tch... You again. How long am I gonna wait for me to taste their delicious blood?!

The fight become fiercely and everyone in the mansion gathered around them.

Knuckles: Hey, what's going on?!

Tails: Sonic!!!

Sonic: *growling* P-Please... D-Don't hurt her...

Scourge: *look at Sonic* Hmph... I won't...

Shadow: *walk to Scourge* Give me her...

Scourge: tch... *give Amy to Shadow*

Shadow: *look at Sonic* Tell me, who is this girl?

Sonic: *looks* She's... She's...

Shadow: She's what? *kick Sonic on his stomach* ANSWER ME!!!

Amy: No! Please don't hurt him!! He's injured so badly!!!

Shadow: I don't care for what he has done!! No guest or a hedgehog inside this mansion at all!! I try to protect people from getting killed by vampires, it means us!!!

Everyone was surprised on what Shadow just said and they can do nothing to save Amy and Sonic.

Sonic: So, you decided to...kill her?

Shadow: Oh, I like that... That should teach you to not bought someone into this mansion again.

Sonic: *sigh*

Amy: Sonic! You crazy!

Sonic: Amy, look at me!! Listen! I'm so sorry that we didn't even get engaged and married like my father wishes for.

Shadow was shocked that Amy was Sonic's girlfriend. If he kills her, Sonic will have the same fate as him and will not believe in love anymore.

Shadow: *sigh* I let you go...

Amy: H-Huh?!

Shadow: *release Sonic*

Amy: *run to Sonic* Sonic!!!

Sonic: Ames... I'm fine...

Amy: But, your stomach is hurt badly! I need to heal you...

Shadow: *walk to Sonic and heal Sonic's stomach*

Amy: *looks and gasp*

Sonic: S-Shadow...

Shadow: *walk away and get all his parties to walk away*

>In Amy's room<

Sonic: Amy... Please don't cry... I'm fine...

Amy: Sonic... You did this for me? Thank god that you're not sacrifice yourself for my lives.

Sonic: You know, Shadow was going to kill you because he has lost one of his girlfriend.

Amy: I see... I need to talk to him.

Sonic: No, you stay here and let me get him for you.

Amy: *nods*

Later, Shadow walk in and Sonic leave them alone.

Shadow: Why you calling me?

Amy: I'm sorry for your girlfriend. She didn't deserves to die. I'm sure she will proud of you right now because you didn't kill innocent people.

Shadow: uh...

Amy: *smile* I'm so sorry that I said about this all of a sudden

Shadow: B-Blood...

Amy: Hmm?

Shadow: Uh, I mean, I don't mind...

Sonic walks in after their conversation. He sit besides Amy.

Sonic: So, what you're guys talking about?

Amy: Oh, we're talking about the past things. You don't need to worried about.

Sonic: *saw something on Amy's neck* Amy... There's a bite on your neck

Amy: Hmm... Shadow said it's a love bite.

Sonic: Love bite?! But that's not what he meant! You will turned into a vampire!!

Amy: Sonic... Stop with your fantasy things!

Sonic: No! What I said is true- you know what. Nevermind. Nobody's gonna believe me.

Amy: *kiss Sonic* I'll be fine... Tonight is my last stay. You should sleep with me tonight.

Sonic: *nods* Goodnight Ames... *kiss Amy*

Amy: *smile* Goodnight...

Love Bites [SonAdow]Where stories live. Discover now