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On the next f**king day! Oh, sorry. Shadow wake up early due to Sonic's disappearance. He's not really disappear but what I meant is he's not in his room. He walk out and search on every room until...

Shadow: *burst in* SONIC!!!

Ambrose and Sonic sleep together, peacefully. Shadow become mad and Sonic heard Shadow's screaming. He quickly get up and protect Ambrose.

Sonic: NO SHADOW!!!

Shadow: Sonic, you better explain that or I will instantly kill him!

Sonic: I-I-I can explain but first put your spear down. It scares me.

Shadow: *calm* Okay...

Sonic: Rose is different now. He's not attacking us. He's-


Sonic: Can you just let me finished my explanation... FOR 5 MINUTE STRAIGHT?!

Shadow: Fine...

Sonic: Thanks. His brother, Blake is not dead. He's alive and now he prepared himself with taboo and dark magic. He wants to take Rose body so they could defeat us for revenge but Rose don't want to. He ran to this mansion and tell me all of this.

Shadow: and how did he managed to get inside without any noise?

Sonic: I pick him up. He turned himself as a little hedgehog.


Sonic: AH! I KNOW THAT!!!

Shadow: Doesn't vampire will turned into a bats? Like me?

Sonic: Hmm... I don't know...

Ambrose: *wakes up* Ugh... What's that noise? Can you give me some rest? I have bad drea- *saw Shadow* AAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Sonic: *run to Ambrose* No! Rose, calm down! *hug Ambrose*

Ambrose: *shivering in fear and quickly turned himself into hedgehog* Hide me! *crawling inside Sonic's shirts*

Sonic: *laugh* Rose! Stop! It tickles!!

Shadow: *blushed* (I really hope I can do that...)

Sonic: *take Ambrose out from his shirts* Oh come on cute one. Shadow is not hurting you. Calm down.

Ambrose: *still shaking* I'm still scared Sonic.

Sonic: *glare at Shadow*

Shadow: What?! It's not my fault that he be like that. Wait, did Rose really changed now? He was supposed to fight back.

Sonic: Yes and not anymore. He's our family now.

Shadow: and why he changed into hedgehog himself and not a vampire bats?

Ambrose: You don't remember that vampires can change into many forms? And each vampires will have their own animal form. Like me be a hedgehog and you be a vampire bats.

Shadow: I see... Well, you better behave yourself before I kick your ass! Also, don't even teach me something, I will learn by myself. *walk away*

Ambrose: *turn back to normal and look down*

Sonic: It's okay, Rose.

Ambrose: Sonic, like I said last night, I don't want to stay. I have something to do out there. I need to stop Blake.

Sonic: You can't do that alone.

Ambrose: I don't care! People around here hates me! *growled*

Sonic: I'm not... I like you. I love y-

Ambrose: *push Sonic from the bed*

Sonic: *surprised pikachu face*

Ambrose: Go away... *about to gets up*

Sonic: Hey, don't leave now! The sun will kill you!

Ambrose: Sonic... I'm a daybreak vampire. The sunlight won't kill me a little.

Sonic: Please... I need you to stay.

Ambrose: WHY?! Just why Sonic?!

Sonic: Because you're my cousin...

Ambrose: *having flashback where he accidentally bite Sonic and sigh*

Sonic: Uh... Rose?

Ambrose: *walk to Sonic and look behind his back of his neck* The bitemark is still there.

Sonic: Huh? Bitemark? Where?!

Ambrose: The where I bite you accidentally... I'm sorry Sonic. I can't... I don't want that happened to you again.

Sonic: *hold Ambrose hand* It's okay... I forgive you about that... Again.

Ambrose: *groan*

Sonic: Ah! Blood... *pick Ambrose and put him on the bed*


Sonic: *pinned Ambrose down*

Ambrose: Ah... Sonic... No... Please... Don't...

Sonic: This is the only way, Rose! Come on. I'm ready... *close his eyes*

Ambrose: *cry* I'm so sorry... You can stop me anytime, Sonic *bite Sonic harshly*

Sonic: *scream in pain*

Ambrose: Mmm~

Sonic: (His bite are so strong... Stronger than Shadow. Is he gonna drink me until I dry? I hope not... I can't stop him)

Ambrose: Mmm~ Mmm~

Sonic: (Cute... I feel like I want to kiss him now)

Ambrose: Mm~

Sonic: (Shit! Is he gonna stop or not?! I think he really want me to stop him) R-Rose...

Ambrose: Mmm~

Sonic: (Fuck... He really enjoyed this very much until he couldn't stop himself) Rose! Rose! I'm dying!!!

Ambrose: *heard that and quickly pulled out, panic* Ah... I'm very very very sorry!!!

Sonic: *pants* It's... Okay...

Ambrose: Ah! The way you talk, it sounds like you're gonna die!!

Sonic: ah... Shadow...

Ambrose: Right, I call Shadow- Wait... No, I'm scared.

With enough courage and confidence, he quickly call Shadow and quickly make his way out from the mansion. Shadow come as soon as he leave.

Shadow: SONIC!! SONIC!!! Damn it!

Sonic: Huh? *about to faint*

Shadow: Please don't die... I got you. *take the blood pack from the kitchen and teleport back to Sonic* Here, drink this.

Sonic: uh? *saw Shadow with blood pack*

Shadow: Please drink this Sonic. You won't turned into vampire. I promise...

Sonic: *drink the blood and almost spilled it over them*

Shadow: Swallow it Sonic. I know this is your first time drinking.

Sonic managed to drink all the blood and he fall unconscious. Shadow take him to his room and leave him to get some rest.

In his heart, he wants to hurt Ambrose because he know that Ambrose did that to him but not accidentally.

Love Bites [SonAdow]Where stories live. Discover now