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As Sonic run into the woods, he heard the vampire brothers screaming as if they're getting beaten.

>At Silent Forest<

Sonic: Shadow!! Silver!!! Tails!!! Everyone!!!

Ambrose: Oh... You're here. I didn't expect you came here fast. I'm almost done my work with your vampire brothers.

Sonic: What have you done to them?!!!

Ambrose: *laugh* as you can see, I found this ancient wall painting. You see, if we have the deadly 7 sins, we can open the portal to the new world.

Sonic: New world? Do you really believe that story?

Ambrose: Then how about you?

Sonic: I only believe vampires because I love them. I love you Rose! Please, release my vampire brothers.

Ambrose: *look down* Grrr... I want to take my revenge!! Blake was dead!!! He's dead Sonic!!! DEAD!!!

Sonic: Same goes to my family... They've been killed by vampires and there is no use for me to take revenge. I will end up inside a cage.

Ambrose: Tch... Enough!!! *read the ritual*

The earth shake in a second and the vampire brothers body glowing. Behind them, the portal opens and Rose fly in. Sonic jumps in too and chase him.

>Inside Vortex World<

Sonic: Woah... This place is just like an alternate universe of the world. I need to find Rose...

Shadow: Sonic... Can you hear me?

Sonic: S-Shad?

Shadow: You hear me? Listen... This world is familiar to me. You need to destroy all the crystal which is Pride, Lust, Sloth, Wrath, Greed, Envy and Anger.

Sonic: Sounds bad to me and a long way for me to defeat Rose.

Shadow: It's okay... We count on you. Sonic...

Sonic: Yeah?

Shadow: I love you so much...

Sonic: I love you too Shadow...


Sonic: Let's see... Envy is Tails. Greed is Scourge. Lust is Silver. Sloth is Espio. Wrath  is Mephiles. Anger is Knuckles and the last one must be... Pride which is Shadow.

Tails: Sonic... Shadow is still unconscious. You have to find him.

Sonic: I know. I already in his world but I didn't found his deadly sins.

Shadow: Sonic...

Sonic: S-Shadow???

Shadow: It seems that I face my own demon.

Sonic: Huh? What are you talking about? You're unconscious and how do you even face your own demon? I mean, where are you?!

Shadow: Don't worry about me Sonic. I will beat my own demon alone. Just stay where you are.

Sonic: Shadow!!

>In Shadow's world<

Shadow: This is...

The place is Shadow and Maria's house and it shows where Maria died.

Maria: Shadow this way...

Shadow: Wait for me...

Shadow: Is that... Me? Ah! I remember now. This scene take place where Maria died. This is my time to change the past!!

Shadow follow the two and end up inside the deep woods. It was dark and Shadow watch them.

Shadow: *groan*

Maria: Shadow... What's wrong?

Shadow: Maria... RUN!!!

Maria: *gasp and run away*

Shadow: Huh? *follow ghost Maria*

Shadow: *chase Maria*

Maria: *look behind* Ahh... Shadow. What are you doing?!

Shadow: Please don't run princess... I just want your tasty blood.

Shadow: What am I doing?! And why I chase Maria and want to drink her blood?!! *try to stop ghost Shadow* Ah... I pass through... Tch...

At the end, Shadow witness himself killing Maria.

Shadow: *pants* Maria?? No! NO!!! Please say something!!! MARIAAAA!!!!!

Shadow: I... I... Kill her... *kneeled down* I kill her... It was not the other vampire... It was me... *cried* Maria... MARIA!!! But... I remember that I arrived at home and she was gone and when I heard someone screaming, she was dead... Was that really happened?!

???: Oh Shadow... You really wanna know the truth?

Shadow: Who's there!!!

???: I can tell you something about your past.

Shadow: Tell me what? You better start speaking before I kill you!! Whoever you are, you have no match with me...

Fallen Angel: Ahahaha... How funny. I'm a fallen angel, your very dark demon. You have so many sins since you kill your love one.


F. A: I possess you... You kill Maria and then walk back home with soulless eyes. When you come back to your house, you didn't realize that Maria was dead a long time ago and you thought that she's run into the woods and the vampires kill her. I also delete some of your memories so you don't know who's the real killer.

Shadow: Tch... *try to attack his fallen angel* a... Huh?!

F. A: You think you can kill me? I'm immortal. More immortal than you.

Shadow: I will not let you to possess me again! You have no rights to take my body that easily!!

F. A: Oh... I have one more thing to do. That blue hedgehog was so cute... Why don't we-


F. A: *laugh hysterically* You think? It's really funn-

Shadow: *transform into Lucifer and attack F. A harshly*

F. A: Agh!! What the- *gasp* Master Lucifer?!!!

Shadow. Lucifer: What did I told you that there is no way you can defeat me?

F. A: Ah! Please have mercy on me. I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to. I... I can take her back to life and give you happiness... Everything!!!

Shadow. Lucifer: I don't think so *burn Fallen Angel*

F. A: NOOOOO!!!! *turned into dust*

Shadow: *sigh* Sonic... I'm done...

After Shadow defeat his own demon and take justice on his guilty, the portal start to collapse and Sonic finally make his way out.

Sonic: Woah... That was close.

Tails: Sonic!! *hug Sonic*

Sonic: Woah... Buddy. *look at the brothers* Wait... Where's Shadow?

Knuckles: *shake his head*

Sonic: No... Don't tell me he didn't make it. Shadow...

Silver: Don't worry, Sonic. I know he will come back.

Sonic: But the portal has gone...

Tails: Hey, let's go back home before the sun rise.

Knuckles: Oh yeah. Let's go everyone!!

Sonic: Shadow...

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