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A moments later, the twins showed themselves in a good manners. The vampire brothers act normally.

Ambrose: Hello, Shadow. Long time no see... I bet you miss me too~

Shadow: I'm not miss you even a little bit. What makes you come here again? You want to have a rematch?

Ambrose: Oh, I hope so but I have something to do. *divide himself into 4*

Knuckles: Tch... He's dividing himself.

Shadow: You really want to have a rematch, huh. Well then, I won't give up easily this time.


Sonic: *gasp* I can hear them fighting outside. Ah... I'm getting worried right now.

Espio: It's okay... They're strong now.

*the lights turned off*

Sonic: Aahhh!!! What happened?! Espio?!

Espio: Sonic! Agh! Ah! Ugh! Argh!!

Sonic: Espio!!!! *try to gets up*

???: Hello there, Jules's son.

Sonic: *gasp* How can you know my father's name?! Who are you?!!

???: Oh well, me and your father are best friends. We always hang out each other and...

Sonic: You... You kill my father!!! I know that you kill my father!!!

The lights turned on and the real Ambrose appear before his eyes.

Ambrose: Oh... What was your name again? I thought I heard the word... Sonic. Is that your name, hmm?

Sonic: How did you know?

Ambrose: Well, it's a long story but I try to make it short. Remember your father dead? I'm the one who killed your FATHER!!!

Sonic: *cried* Tch... Why?

Ambrose: *laugh* WHY?!!! He abandoned me...

>Ambrose's past<

In the dark forest, there live a small house which is Jules house. In this story, Ambrose and Sonic was a little kid.

Jules: Rose... Rose...

Ambrose: *appeared out of nowhere* BOO!!!

Jules: Ah! You scared me.

Ambrose: Oh, sorry.

Jules: Come here my boy *pick Ambrose up* So, wanna take a look at your cousins?

Ambrose: *gasp* Yeah!!

Jules: Sonic!!

Sonic: Yes father?

Jules: Rose... This is Sonic. He's my son. You two can be friends now but remember, you're a vampire so make sure you don't bite him.

Ambrose: Okay!


Sonic: *chuckled* I bet you can't catch me!! *fall* Aahhh!!

Ambrose: *tackle Sonic* Gotcha!!! *laugh*

Sonic: Hey, that's not fair!

Ambrose: Oh, come on Sonic! I play fair all the time!

Sonic: Well, let's do this again okay?

Ambrose: O-kay *growl*

Sonic: Ambrose... You okay?

Ambrose: (Ah... Why now? Agh... I need blood) *look at Sonic*

Sonic: Aaahh!! Your eyes, what happened to your eyes?

Ambrose: Blood... Blood...

Sonic: Huh?! B-B-Blood?!!

Ambrose: I need blood Sonic... Give it to me...

Sonic: Ah... No! No!

Ambrose bite Sonic on his back of the neck and luckily, Jules saw them and quickly take Sonic away.

Jules: Rose!!

Ambrose: *cough* Father! *cough* Help me!!

Jules: I told you not to bite him!! You disobey me.

Ambrose: No, father... I *cough* I'm sorry *cough*

Jules: Sonic! Sonic! Tch... *run away*

Ambrose: FATHER!!!

>End of Ambrose's past<

Sonic: *gasp*

Ambrose: He abandoned me in order to save your life from dying!!!! I was left behind and waiting for me to die because of thirst of blood!! Now, I have take my revenge after all this time...

Sonic: So, who's save you?

Ambrose: Blaky... He saved me from dying. I've been left to rot and that night, I've been saved.

Sonic: *look down* I... I don't know what to say

Ambrose: *choked Sonic* You can say sayonara... My brother...

Ambrose throw Sonic to the wall and throw a knife on him. The knife stabbed on his both hands and feet, making him pinned on the wall like a paintings.

Sonic: *scream in pain*

Ambrose: Aww... Look at you. You know, it reminds me of your father. This is how I kill your FATHER!!!

Sonic: *cried* Please, Rose...

Ambrose: Ah...

Sonic: Father didn't mean to leave you... He just feel scared because of losing me.


Sonic: Yes... This is all my fault. Not father... You should blame me and not him!!!

Ambrose: You shut UP!!! *throw a knife right into his stomach*

Sonic: *Gasp* (T-The baby)

Ambrose: You're the one who should be left behind... You're not even dying on that time!!!!

Sonic: *Cry* Please... Stop.

Ambrose: *looks* I know that you're pregnant, Sonic. That's why... I'm here to destroy your LIFE!!!

Suddenly, the door burst open and Shadow with the vampire brothers growled at him. Shadow saw Sonic pinned on the wall and he burst into madness.

Sonic: S-Shadow... *passed out*

Ambrose: *looks* Well then, my job here is done.

Shadow: Not yet!!! *plunged forward Ambrose*

Ambrose: Agh!!! *laugh* You may have win this time, Shadow but remember that I will not be dead forever...

Shadow: *growled and stab him the hundred of chaos spear*

Ambrose: AAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!! *turned to dust*

Shadow: *huff* Sonic...

After the battle ends, Shadow and all the vampire healed Sonic but unlucky for them, the baby was dead. Shadow cried and hug Sonic tightly.

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