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Sonic walk back to master room and notice that Shadow has gone. Tails walk in.

Tails: Uh, Master Shadow has left a while ago.

Sonic: Oh, where did he go?

Tails: He and Knuckles went out. Knuckles supposed to take me with him but master ordered me to look after you.

Sonic: Pfftt... I'm fine!

Tails: But, there's a lot of vampires here! You need to be protected especially when it comes to Scourge. He is so naughty.

Sonic: Well, he is. I meet him this morning and he wants to suck my blood.

Tails: Hmm... He can't control himself when it comes to blood and... Hedgehog like you.

Sonic: Haha... Okay. You want to follow me inside?

Tails: I can?! *wiggle his tails cutely*

Sonic: Sure... Come in.


Sonic look at Tails as he wiggle his tails cutely. Tails blush a bit.

Sonic: You're not even a bad vampire I see... You're different than the others.

Tails: Well, I'm the youngest among them. I don't know how to kill people and drink their blood.

Sonic: So, how you keep alive?

Tails: Master feed me. He said he will teach me to bite and suck people's blood.

Sonic: I see... You know what, I can be your practice doll.

Tails: huh? You want me to suck your blood? But, it's embarrassing.

Sonic: It's okay *lean closer to Tails while smirk*

Tails: *blush* Please don't smirk like that.

Sonic: I just want to make you feel the heat. Come closer to my neck and bite it gently.

Tails: *gulped and lean forward to Sonic's neck*

Sonic: That's good... Now, bite gently~

Tails: *breath heavily* J-Just don't moan okay?

Sonic: Hmmm...

Tails: *bite Sonic gently*

Sonic: *accidently moan*

Tails: *quickly pull out* I said don't moan!

Sonic: S-Sorry... You just a half way *pull Tails head and put it on his neck* Now bite... I won't moaning anymore.

Tails: *bite Sonic's neck*

Sonic: *groan* Your teeth are sure sharp...

Tails: Mmm...

Sonic: *chuckled*


Shadow and Knuckles has finally at home. When Shadow reach the master's bedroom. He saw a yellow fox sleeping with the blue hedgehog.

Shadow: *growl* Tails...

Tails: *groan and wakes up* Hmmm?

Shadow: You dare to sleep at my bed like it was yours?

Tails: Eeekkk!!! Sorry master!!!! *quickly run outside*

Shadow: *growl and look at Sonic* Sonic...?

Sonic: Hmmm? Who?

Shadow: It's me... I'm back. How Tails end up sleep with you in my room?

Sonic: Oh... I teach him how to suck people's blood like what vampires do.

Shadow: Did he bite you?!

Sonic: Well, yes but don't worry I'm immune to vampires bite. My father give me those medical thing.

Shadow: *sigh* I shouldn't leave you alone with all these vampires.

Sonic: It's okay, Shadow. I just teach him. *yawn*

Shadow: Sorry that I woke you up. You should go to sleep. It's still early.

Sonic: Okay... *close his eyes*

>On the next morning<

Sonic woke up and he feel uncomfortable every time he pass the door with the number of 66 but he just ignore it since he never check on that room before.

He saw Tails and Knuckles talking together at the kitchen.

Knuckles: Morning, Sonic. You sleep well last night?

Sonic: Yeah... Oh, I have something to tell you. Who lives inside room 66?

Knuckles: *whispered* You don't need to go there. It's dangerous for a hedgehog like you.

Sonic: But I was curious anyway, this was my mansion so I can do whatever I want!

Knuckles: Okay, Okay, calm down. Remember the one who looked like master?

Sonic: *having a flashback on episode 3* Oh... I see. What's his name again?

Tails: Mephiles the dark.

Knuckles: Tails!!

Tails: Sorry, I was look at the list on my hand and I accidently said that!

Knuckles: Sonic, promise me that you will never ever check that room especially at midnight.

Sonic: S-Sure...

Sonic leave the kitchen with curiousity. Who is Mephiles the dark. Is he the embodiment of Shadow the hedgehog or he is Shadow pet demon?

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