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Sonic: *feel concerned*

Shadow: Hey, what's wrong? Is something wrong?

Sonic: Shadow... I know you will stop me this time, I want to find Rose... Again.

Shadow: For what?! He almost kill us all!!! He almost kill me!!!

Sonic: But he's also part of my family!!

Shadow: Sonic... We are the part of your family now. Just forget Ambrose now and forever. What he just do is to kill you. He won't stop killing you.

Sonic: You sure?

Shadow: *nods* Yes...

Shadow then having a flashback where he fight with Ambrose.

Ambrose: Ha... Ha... Ha...

Shadow: Give up now Rose. There's no use for you to fight.

Ambrose: *chuckled then laugh evilly* I was proud of you, you managed to defeat your own devil. Your sins has been cleanse.

Shadow: Your aura... You better stop fight with me. You might be dead.

Ambrose: I thought you're going to kill me, after all, I'm the one who kill the baby.

Shadow: Tch... Don't let me do this Rose. I forgive you. For now, but when I found you again, I'll make sure to suck your blood until you dry!!!

Ambrose: Yes, master... *turned into dust*

Meanwhile, Knuckles and Tails close all windows and doors tight. Sonic was confused.

Sonic: Guys... Why you do that?

Tails: Umm... It's because of master. He wants to make you safe. He know that you'll go out again.

Sonic: Tch... He must be thought that I will search Rose tonight. Oh well, I guess he win this time. *walk away*

Tails: Did he never give up? I mean we know Ambrose is pure evil vampire.

Knuckles: There's some reason for Sonic to find Ambrose even he trying to kill him many times.

>In master's room<

Shadow: *looks* Tonight is not full moon. *sigh*

Sonic: Hey, Shadow... *walk to him*

Shadow: Ah, Sonic. I'm almost talking about you. You okay?

Sonic: I'm bored. Can we just walk around at the park?

Shadow: Okay... Let's go. *hold Sonic's hand and drag him*

Sonic: *blushed*

>At midnight, in the garden<

Sonic: I never thought that tonight was this cold.

Shadow: *looks*

Sonic: Um, Shadow. Since we loved each other, we...

Shadow: *kiss Sonic deeply*

Sonic: *moan and kiss back*

Shadow: *break the kiss* I will always love you. I will never leave you. Well then, it's time for me to give you something. *take his inhibitor rings and give it to Sonic*

Sonic: Shadow... You don't have to-

Shadow: This ring will be your possession. If you in danger, this ring will glow and I will know where you are and save you.

Sonic: How about your powers? You will be insane.

Shadow: No... I'm not. Promise to me that you will never take off from your hands.

Sonic: I promise, Shads.

Shadow: *smiled* Good boy. Um... Can we stay a little bit longer? I want to enjoy this beautiful moment.

Sonic: Sure, Shad. I will be by your side. *yawn*

Shadow: Aww... You look tired. *lay down* Here... Sleep here.

Sonic: *lay down and hug Shadow* You're so warm. It makes me feel comfortable. You're more like a pillow, Shadow.

Shadow: haha... Your vampire pillow.

Sonic: Yeah... *sleeps*

Shadow: Hmm... *sleeps*

>On the next day<

Sonic: *been woke up by the sunlight* urmm... *gasp and drag Shadow to the shading place* phew... Thank god you didn't turned to dust. *looks* Huh? Still sleeping? How am I gonna take you inside and how the hell we still here?! I thought you take us inside!

Shadow: Hmm? Why my eyes start flashing? Is it day now?

Sonic: Oh, you're awake. I thought you take us inside!!

Shadow: I was so tired until I end up sleeping too. So, you did have a good sleep?

Sonic: *nods* Yeah. Hey, you better get inside.

Shadow: hmm... *change into bat and hide inside Sonic's pocket* Let's go.

Sonic: You're so cute when you be a bat! *stroke Shadow's head*

Shadow: *whimpered* Stop it... If I sneeze, I will turned back to normal.

Sonic: Oh, you can sneeze when I stroke your tiny head. Well, let's go. *walk inside the mansion* Time to feed you some blood.

Shadow: I know... You wanna taste how blood taste like?

Sonic: Uhh... No thanks... I pass.

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