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>On the next day<

Sonic: I can't remember anything after I faint. The thing I remember is Shadow crying for me.


Shadow: Sonic... I did it. I kill him. Rose is okay. I'm not kill him. There's the only one way to save you. I will turn you into vampire and live with me forever.

Sonic: (Ah...)

Shadow: You don't need to talk. I just talk with you in your mind. Tell me. Are you ready to become the immortal?

Sonic: (Shads...)

Shadow: I know it's hard to make this decision. But, I really need you. I want you. You change my life. After Maria died, you change me completely. Without you, I maybe not believe in love anymore.

Sonic: (*sniff*)

Shadow: Sonic...?

Sonic: (Y-Yes...)

Shadow: You make a right choice. I will bite you now and in return, I will give you drink my blood.


Sonic: *sigh* Is that really true... That I'm a vampire right now?

Shadow: *walk in* Sonic... Good morning.

Sonic: *look at Shadow* (He's different... His wings...) Morning... Shadow.

Shadow: If you still feel pain, you can take more rest.

Sonic: I'm good. You change, Shadow. What happened?

Shadow: I kill Blake once and for all. Rose is good. He's sleeping in the next room.

Sonic: That's good.

Shadow: I'm sorry that Blake kill you last night. You shouldn't do that. I'm the one who should be killed.

Sonic: But if you die, no one can defeat Blake other than you. You're stronger now. I know you and your brothers can do this. You finally defeat the twins and you guys getting stronger.

Shadow: Are you saying about kill two birds with one stone?

Sonic: *smiled* You know that phrase.

Shadow: Well, of course. Tails always said that.

Sonic: *groan* ah... It hurts. Why I suddenly have chest ache?

Shadow: That's not chest ache. *take of his shirt* You need blood to live. Bite me~

Sonic: Ah... You think I'm a vampire?!

Shadow: You don't remember our deal? I need you and in order to have you with me, I need to turn you into vampire. In return, you will feed blood on me.

Sonic: Shads... *bite Shadow's neck*

Shadow: *groan*

Ambrose: *walk in* Eekkk!!! Ah! I'm so so so sorry!!

Shadow: No... It's okay. Ah...

Ambrose: But, I get inside in a wrong time!! Anyway, tonight we have a meeting. Tails said.

Shadow: Okay

*Ambrose walk out*

Sonic: *pants* Your blood are so delicious. More delicious than before. And I didn't feel dizzy a bit.

Shadow: *chuckled* I love you.

Sonic: I love you more.

Shadow: uh... I think it is time for me to tell you everything that I hide.

Sonic: Okay. I'm listening.

Shadow: I know Rose very long time... I knew Rose was the twins all this time. Me and Rose did met each other.

>Back in the past<

Jules: Shadow! Shadow please... Save my son!

Shadow: *appear behind Jules* I'm here, master.

Jules: Ah... Please, you have to save him. He's been bitten by vampires. It was Rose.

Shadow: Let me see the bite. *looks* Hmm... It's just a small bite. *give Jules the potion* He need to drink this every night. One small spoon is enough.

Jules: Thanks... What is this?

Shadow: If Sonic drink that, he will immune to vampire bite. Trust me. I made it by myself.

Jules: T-Thanks. I appreciate that.

Shadow: No worries. I have to go now.

Jules: *nods* Right! *run away*

Shadow then heard someone coughing, not far from him. He walk in the forest and saw a small pink hedgehog sitting on the big log.

Shadow: *move closer*

Ambrose: *looks* Huh?!

Shadow: Hey, don't be afraid. Tell me, what's your name?

Ambrose: I'm Ambrose... Call me Rose.

Shadow: Ah... You Rose?! I just met someone who knows you. He said you bite his son.

Ambrose: You mean father?! He left me and I almost died.

Shadow: So, how did you survive?

Ambrose: Blake... He's my friend and his face look a like as me so we call ourselves a twins. Even we're not in the same blood.

Shadow: I see... Well, it's good to know you. I'm Shadow.

Ambrose: Shadow...

Shadow: Yes... I have to go now. Take care. Uh... You sure you'll be okay if I leave you? The sun is about to set soon.

Ambrose: Don't worry... I'm fine. Blake will come and find me.

Shadow: Okay.

>After 3 months<

Shadow: Tails! What's wrong?!

Tails: Ugh... Someone's destroy our home. We need to escape!!

Knuckles: Agh! I think it's not human who did this. But, it was a vampires!

Shadow: Tell all brothers to Jules mansion, right now!

Knuckles: Yes!

Shadow: *saw a shadow figured standing above the roof* Ah... Rose?!

Ambrose: *saw Shadow* Shadow?!

Shadow: What are you doing this?!

Ambrose: It's none of your business!! I have my own goal that need to achieve! If you don't mind, this place is ours now.

Tails: Master! We done here!

Shadow: Tch... *run away*

Ambrose: Huh... Never thought he run away and never fight me.

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