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The vampire brothers protect Sonic and one of them take him inside the mansion.

Tails: We should be safe here!

Sonic: Tails...

Tails: Yes master?

Sonic: Don't call me master and listen, I need to get there. I want to save all of them.

Tails: Don't try to be a hero, Sonic. Blake is too powerful for you to take him down alone. We need you to be okay.

Sonic: But, I can't just let you guys got hurt! I need to do this too Tails. If I know this would happen, I will be ready for anything.

Tails: *sigh* Sorry, Sonic. I can't let you do this.


Knuckles: Argh! How can he stay unharmed?!

Silver: Remember what master's said about black magic? He's using that to attack us.

Knuckles: Then why we don't try to use black magic?

Espio: Using a black magic is strictly to vampires. You should read the vampire rules.

Knuckles: Wait... We have that kind of rules?!

Blake: ENOUGH!!! I'm tired with all your trash talking! Now, this is the moment I've been waiting.

Blake summoned the undead and try to drained their energy.

Silver: Agh... What happened?!

Blake: *laugh* You still don't know why your mansion has a magic barrier huh? It protects all of you from getting your energy dried and those barriers helps to refill back your energy. Without the barrier, it should be easy for me to take as much energy as I want.

Knuckles: No... It can't be.

Espio: So that was the point to have the barrier. That's what Jules plan after all. He try to protect us.

Scourge: *look at Shadow* But why he doesn't get infected by Blake's power?!

Shadow: Blake...

Blake: Hmm? Why you didn't feel weak like the others?!

Shadow: I'm a different vampire even though we're the same. I have different levels and power which you couldn't take my energy that easily.

Blake: So, it must be because of that blue hedgehog. He must make you even more stronger than before.

Shadow: If you lay down your fingers to him, I'll tear you apart!!

Blake: *laugh* Oh, I won't... But Rose will do that for me.

Ambrose quickly teleport inside the mansion. Shadow didn't have a time to teleport when Blake suddenly attack him.

Shadow: You son of a bi-

Blake: *kick Shadow* Let's see who will be the last stand.

Shadow: Hmm...

>Back in master's room<

Sonic: *hears Shadow growling* Shadow!

Tails: It's okay, Sonic.

Sonic: No, he's not okay! Can't you hear him growling and screaming in pain?!

Tails: I know but I can't let you out.

Sonic: Tch... *quickly turn off the lights and blindfolded Tails*

Tails: Aahh! Master!!

Sonic: (Sorry Tails... I have to) *quickly got out*

>Outside the mansion<

Blake: You can't hurt me even a single scratch.

Shadow: (Damn... He's strong and I didn't make any scratches on him)

Blake: So... You want to give up?

Shadow: *groan* (No... Not now. Ah... Blood. I need blood)

Blake: Hmm? What's the matter? Oh, you thirst of blood?? Since the last time you drink blood Shadow? Well, it doesn't matter... This is my chance to kill you.

Sonic: NO!!!

*Everyone look at Sonic*

Blake: Ah... Sonic. Good timing that you're here. You about to watch Shadow die.

Sonic: No! I won't let you kill him!

Shadow: *run to Sonic*

Blake: Where are you going, Shadow!! *throw his dark spear*

Sonic: Shadow!! *hug Shadow and change his position*


Shadow: *pants* Sonic...

Blake: *looks* Shit!

Sonic: *cough* *cough*

Shadow: Sonic!

Sonic: It's okay... *cough* I'm fine... *look down*

Shadow: You're not... Please stay strong!

Sonic: Ah... I never be strong... You... Protect me all this time... But I will wait... For you...

Shadow: Knuckles, Silver... Watch him...

Silver: Sure...

Shadow: Blake!! *transform into Shadow Lucifer*

Blake: Agh... This power. It's beyond from my powers! Those wings... Those are Lucifer wings... It can't be.

Shadow: You will pay for what you have done.

Blake: Sonic won't die if he get into your way!! I'm not gonna pay that!!

Shadow: You still thinking that you can defeat me with your power? Give up before I end your life too.

Blake: Tch... We will see. I will not let you go easily.

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