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On the very next day, Sonic woke up and found himself being hug by Shadow. He was blushed a bit and slowly take Shadow hands off from him and he wakes up.

Sonic: Ah! I'm sorry...

Shadow: No, I'm sorry. I didn't know that I hug you last night while sleeping.

Sonic: *gets up* I have to go and take a bath.

Shadow: Okay... I'll wait.

As Sonic was about to pull the curtains, Shadow use his power to stop Sonic.

Sonic: Woah! Hey! I just want to pull the curtains.

Shadow: You forget who I am?

Sonic: Oh... Yeah...

Shadow: *sigh* You can turn on the lamp if you can't see...

Sonic: Don't worry, I know where I'm go- *his head hit the door* Oww!

Shadow: I told you...


Sonic was in the kitchen, cooking his breakfast and suddenly, one of the vampires coming to him and put his arm on his shoulders.

Scourge: What are you doing?

Sonic: Ah! Oh geez... I'm making breakfast.

Scourge: Ohhh... Can I taste them? They look tasty.

Sonic: If you want, I can cook for you.

Scourge: Ahaha... I only want your tasty blood. *feel his hand* Oh, your hand are so warm. I wonder how your blood taste like...

Sonic: D-Don't mess with me! I'm not your food. There's a packet of blood in the fridge.

Knuckles: Hey, what's so noisy here?!

The two hedgehogs stop fighting once Knuckles walk in. The green hedgehog glare at Sonic.

Scourge: Well, we will meet again. Maybe tonight. *walk away*

Sonic: *sigh*

Knuckles: You okay? He didn't hurt you right?

Sonic: I'm fine... I think I want to eat in my room.

Knuckles: Sure... Oh, can you tell master about this? Me and Tails going out for tonight.

Sonic: Okay *walk away with the food*

>At master's bedroom<

Shadow: *look at Sonic eating cutely*

Sonic: *Look at Shadow while his mouth full of food*

Shadow: Ugh... Don't look at me with that face!

Sonic: *chuckled* I know you're hungry. Why don't you take a bite?

Shadow: I know it tastes bland.

Sonic: What?! No it's not *feed Shadow*

Shadow: *gulped*

Sonic: So...?

Shadow: You dare to feed me like I'm your slave or something!!!

Sonic: *scared* I'm sorry... *pinned down his ears*

Shadow: *sigh* Sorry that I yelled at you like that.

Sonic: No. It's okay. It's my fault. I should respect people who is high level than me.

Shadow: But, this mansion is your home and we are your guest. Your father tells many things about you.

Sonic: He did?

Shadow: Yeah. That's why I want to protect you. It's your father's orders. Your father must be proud to have a son like you.

Sonic: I think so... He give me a lot love and happiness.

Shadow: So, what's the thing you want to tell me?

Sonic: Oh, Knuckles and Tails will go out for tonight.

Shadow: Oh... Okay.

>That night<

After Sonic take a shower, he heard someone moaning from the other side of the room. He was curious and uncomfortable at the same time. So, he went in to check it out.

He saw Scourge pinned Silver on the wall while bite him.

Sonic: *run to Silver and push Scourge away* Hey, back off!!!

Scourge: Agh! You dare to interrupt me?!

Sonic: He's your friend and why did you bite him?! Go get a blood on the fridge!!

Scourge: Tch *run away*

Silver: ah... It's hurt.

Sonic: Hey, you okay? You're bleed too much.

Silver: Blood... I need blood.

Sonic: Okay, okay... I'll go and take the blood for you.

Sonic quickly run to the kitchen and take the blood pack and quickly run back to Silver. When he's inside, the room was dark and the door opened and closed by itself.

Sonic: Ah... Silver?? You here?

Silver: *sniff* What is this smell? I smell blood~

Sonic: Silver, turn on the lights. I can't see...

Silver: Oh, you're not a bird eye? Too bad that a hedgehog like you couldn't see me~

Sonic: Please, I hate dark.

The light has been turned on and Silver was right in front of him.

Sonic: Aaaahhh!!

Silver: *laugh* I love when you scream like that. Sounds like a girl.

Sonic: S-Shut up! You scares me to death! I might get heart attack.

Silver: Oh, sorry. I didn't mean that.

Sonic: So, here's your blood.

Silver: Oh, thanks. *take the blood pack from Sonic*

Sonic: How can you be happy in a second?

Silver: You know me. I just acting.

Sonic: Oh... Okay. I better go now. *about to walk away*

Silver: Well, be sure to dropped by... I'll be waiting. *smirk*

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