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Shadow: Seriously, Sonic?

Sonic: *feels drunk* I... Uh... Um... Ugh...

Shadow: Okay, that's enough. Rose is almost kill you and I don't want that happened to you! You're just lucky that he didn't leave you dying.

Sonic: *still drunk* I told you... He's fine... He's a gooood boooooy~

Shadow: *sigh* Why you suddenly become drunk? It's not wine... It's blood.

Sonic: I don't know~ but... *lean Shadow closer* I want you so badly~

Shadow: There's no time to play, I mean not now. I have something to do for tonight and we have a meeting.

Sonic: Okay~

Shadow: *looks* You need to lay down and-


Shadow: Okay, tch... Ssshh... You should stay in my room instead.

Shadow pick Sonic up and take him to master's room. He tied Sonic on the bed.

Sonic: Oh, Shadow... Is the game starts now?

Shadow: What?! No... It's not a game. I will leave you here until you good to go. I'll come back later.

Sonic: Okay, Shads~ *giggled*

>On midnight<

Shadow: Okay, it's time for our meeting. What's on the report, Tails?

Tails: Okay. Um... There's no bad news happened this months and the good news is the full moon will appear this week.

Shadow: Well, how long can we wait for the full moon?

Tails: It's only 5 days left.

Shadow: Good. Knuckles, anything happened outside the mansion?

Knuckles: Not much but a small animal.

Shadow: Hmm... It looks like I have to tell you this. Like it or not but you have to listen.

Silver: Sure, we're all ears.

Shadow: Ambrose is still alive but he's completely changed. He's scared of us. But that's not what we gonna talk about, we talk about his brother, Blake the vampire cat.

Tails: He still alive?!

Shadow: Yes and Sonic said he came back with taboo and black magic.

Mephiles: Well then, a worthy opponent for me to kill. Not just he's getting stronger but he has a magic like me.

Shadow: His magic is not an ordinary one. It was a dangerous and mysterious. He wants to take Ambrose's body and in return he get Blake's dark magic but refused and run away.

Knuckles: Why they didn't want to be together again? Look at them, they're brothers.

Shadow: I don't know why he don't want to give him his body. That was the time I realized that Rose is different.

Silver: So, where is he now?

Shadow: He's with Sonic that morning and he run away when I came to check on Sonic.

Scourge: What did he do to that cute blue hedgehog?! I can't let him hurt him a little!!

Shadow: He did nothing to him. For now, let's thinking about our strategy to defeat Blake.

Silver: Well, the battle is not over yet. *sigh* When can we be free?

Shadow: We can't be free... Even Jules die but the barrier of this mansion is still stood strong.

Tails: I don't understand why Jules wants to covered this mansion with barriers. The world is not that cruel.

Shadow: That's enough for tonight. We will talk about strategy on our next meeting.

>Later,in master's bedroom<

Sonic: Ugh... Shadow?

Shadow: Oh... You okay now?

Sonic: *sigh* I don't sleep well. This rope makes my body feel uncomfortable. Can you release me now?

Shadow: Oh, I forgot about that. *take off the ropes*

Sonic: phew! I feel better... So, you have finished your meeting?

Shadow: Uh yeah... (Did he forgot about he's being drunk?) Sonic... Do you remember that you acting like a drunk hedgehog?

Sonic: Of course I remember!! You give me drink too much blood until I feel dizzy.

Shadow: *chuckled* sorry... I was scared.

Sonic: Well, thanks for saving me back there. *kiss Shadow's cheeks*

Shadow: *blushed and clears throat* I uh... I need to get changed. You don't mind if I changed here?

Sonic: Why don't you just get changed in the bathroom?

Shadow: I... I feel like something's makes me feel tingling.

Sonic: Well, if you want it... *look away* I will not look at you.

Shadow: You can look at me, as long as you want~

Sonic: Shadow... You're joking right?

Shadow: *take off his jackets and shirts* Nope

Sonic: *blushed after saw Shadow beautiful body* Shads...

Shadow: *slowly take off his pants in a sexy way*

Sonic: *nosebleeds* Sh-Sh-Sh-

Shadow: *smirk* What's wrong, Sonic? Can't handle the handsome hedgehog?

Sonic: Tch... I won't be dominated by a black vampire hedgehog.

Shadow: Oh... I did dominate you... Twice.

Sonic: But now, it's my turn *walk to Shadow and kiss him deeply as he stroke his tail*

Shadow: *surprised and kiss back* Mmm~

Sonic: mmm~

Shadow: *moan cutely*

Sonic: Oh, that was a cute moan. Will you do that again?~

Shadow: S-Shut up... You stroke my tail in a sudden.

Sonic: *pick Shadow up* Even I'm short than you, I can pick you up like a baby boy.

Shadow: *blushed and look away*

Sonic: You know what, I guess I want to sleep with you, naked.

Shadow: Ugh...

Sonic: Oh, come on. It would be fine~ *kiss Shadow's neck as he walk to the bed slowly*

Shadow: *moan* Sonic~

Sonic: *lay Shadow down*

Shadow: I want you to dominate me more~

Sonic: haha... Shads. You're my master. I should be the slaves and you be my master. There's no way I can dominate you that easily.

Shadow: But, you just did... Just now.

Sonic: That's just the beginning, Shads. Need some time to dominate you completely. *lay down* Good night.

Shadow: *smiled* Good night.

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