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Shadow: Sonic! Sonic!

Sonic: aaaahhhh!!!! *fall somewhere nearby Shadow standing*

Shadow: Sonic!!! *run to the cliff* Sonic!

Sonic: ah... Shadow???

Shadow: *saw Sonic near a big rock* Sonic... You okay? *saw a clear bite mark* Did he bite you?

Sonic: *gets up* He just thirsty...

Shadow: Sonic... You... Anyway, what you two talking about?

Sonic: Nothing... Just a normal conversation. Uhh... He's searching for his friend name Blake.

Shadow: Oh... That purple cat? Well, we really kill him.

Sonic: *scream and hit the big rock hardly*

Shadow: Woah woah... Sonic, calm down. I- We're sorry.

Sonic: Now he's just like me, I lost my family and he lost his only friend. Now we're the same.

Shadow: Sonic... Please forgive us and forget about him.


Shadow: (Ah, shit. Should I brainwashed him again?) Sonic...


Shadow: *sigh and transform into bat* I hope you won't need me again *fly away*

Sonic: *looks and sigh*

Devil Sonic: (Hahahahaha... Oh I mean, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!!!)

Sonic: Huh? What?!

Angel Sonic: (Oh, Sonic. Why would you do that?)

Sonic: Wait, who are you two??

Devil Sonic: (He really forget about us... We are your devil and angel)

Sonic: (Oh... Okay. What you two want from me?)

Devil Sonic: (You're the one who calling us in your mind!! Listen, you and Shadow love each other for so long and you want a happy ending, right?)

Sonic: (There's no happy ending.)

Angel Sonic: (We know that your baby is dead but you don't have to be sad all the time. You can make a new life!)

Sonic: (I can't! I have something in my mind right now. What should I do?)

Silver: Sonic?

Sonic: *gasp and turned around* Silver?

Silver: Yeah haha... Umm... Listen, Shadow want me to pick you up and go back home.

Sonic: Why he didn't wanna go by himself?

Silver: Uhh... He maybe have something bad in his mind and he didn't want to hurt you.

Sonic: *sigh* Silver... I had enough. I've lost everything!! My family, the baby and now what I've lost next?!

Silver: You still have Shadow... If you love him enough, he will love you, protect you and take care of you... Forever... Your bond with him is strong. You're the one who make him believe to be loved again.

Sonic: But...

Suddenly, they heard someone screaming inside the deep forests. Sonic look at Silver with a shocking face.

Silver: Someone's out there...

Sonic: Sounds like Rose *run to the forest*

>Somewhere in the deep woods<

Sonic: Rose!!

Silver: Sonic, stop! We need to get back home!!

Sonic: No! Rose is in danger. I can't let him be killed!!! *look around*

Silver: *look around* Uhhh... Sonic...

Sonic: What? *turned around* oh...

Silver: What? *turned around too* ah!

Sonic: I think that's Ambrose pets.

Silver: *being dragged by the pet* Ahhh!!! Sonic!!!

Sonic: Ah! Don't worry, Silver! I'll go get some help!! *run away*

>At the mansion<

Tails: *looks* Sonic!!

Sonic: Tails... No time for talk but we need your vampire brothers. Silver is in trouble!!!

Espio: ha... Where is he?!

Sonic: He's inside the woods. He's being captured by this unknown monsters!!

Espio: Okay... Tails go tell Mephiles, Scourge and Knuckles.

Tails: right!!

Later, the vampire brothers run to the woods to find Silver. Meanwhile, Shadow saw Sonic look worried.

Shadow: Sonic...

Sonic: Shad...

Shadow: Don't call me by that name again!

Sonic: You mad?

Shadow: Of course I am!!! Because of you, I'm tired about this situation!!!

Sonic: I'm so sorry... I don't know what has got into me.

Shadow: *look around* Why this place suddenly quiet? Where the others?

Sonic: They're go out to save Silver. He's been captured by Ambrose pets.

Shadow: What?! He has pets?! *sigh* Great...

Sonic: Y-You don't have to do this. I can do this!!

Shadow: No, you stay here! *walk past Sonic*

Sonic: Ah...

Angel Sonic: (Oh look at him. He leaves you)

Sonic: (He wasn't Shadow that I know... We're become stranger like the first time I met him)

Angel Sonic: (Oh Sonic. Don't be sad. I'm sure he'll love you again. Why don't you go with him?)

Sonic: (He's different... I don't want to make him mad)

Angel Sonic: (What about Ambrose? He maybe did this...)

Sonic: Ah... You're right! And I shouldn't talking to myself...

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