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3 months has passed, Sonic and Shadow relationship are so close as they were brothers.

Sonic: So, uhh... Shadow. You haven't show me your vampire powers before. Can you show me one?

Shadow: *looks* Hmm? Oh, well. I can show you some. *teleport to Sonic's back* I can teleport.

Sonic: Yeah, I know that you can teleport but anything else like hallucinating or disguise as someone else?

Shadow: I can... Wait, don't you know that I can brainwashed people's mind and hypnotize them?

Sonic: Ohhh... Can you do that to me?!

Shadow: actually... I did. But, you don't remember about that.

Sonic: Oh... Really? *gasp* So, you're the one who make me call you master in a sudden?! I thought it was a dream.

Shadow: No, Sonic. It wasn't. I don't want to tell you because you might mad at me and I might hurt you again.

Sonic: *sigh* Umm... Disguise???

Shadow: *disguise himself as Tails*

Sonic: pfftt.... *laughing*

Shadow: What?

Sonic: You be Tails?!!? *laugh*

Shadow: You want me to disguise...

Sonic: Yeah but why not Silver or Mephiles or Scourge?

Shadow: Well, it takes a lot of powers for me to form my body. *turned himself back to normal*

Sonic: Hey, what if I had a power like you?! I will fly around with my vampire wings and oh, I will turned myself into demons whenever I want?!! That's amazing!! We can fight with the twins together!!!

Shadow: So, that's why Amy said your brain has a lot of fantasies and big imagination.

Sonic: Well, if vampires are real, demons are real too. Ghost and witches...

Tails: *walk in* Oh sorry master...

Shadow: What's wrong?

Tails: We already set the trap around the mansion like you said. The trap was designed for vampires.

Sonic: Oh, I wanna be vampire slayer!!!

Tails: Um... That's cool.

Sonic: Yeah!! Sonic the vampire slayer!!!

Tails: Master, Knuckles said that he, Scourge and Mephiles will guard the mansion tonight to make sure everything is alright.

Shadow: Okay. Be careful...

>Later, that night<

Sonic: So uh... What am I going to do?

Shadow: Just stay in your room. The twins maybe around us.

Sonic: How you know?

Shadow: Their smells...

Sonic: smells?

Shadow: A smell of a blood of the innocent. If I were a vampire, I never had that kind of smells like that.

Sonic: Oh... I see. Well um...

Shadow: *looks* You feel bored? You asking me too many questions since this morning.

Sonic: I don't know Shadow. I feel like I need to get ready like the others. They feel happy when they get to fight again like they usually do.

Shadow: and you want to be like them?

Sonic: Yeah... Sometimes, I want to show my father how brave I am. I really want to feel that moment.

Shadow: *look down* Sonic... I can't grant my power to you but I give you my sword that I use to fight.

Sonic: Really?

Shadow: *nods* hmm...

Sonic: *hug Shadow* Oh thanks!!

Suddenly, they heard a noise from outside. They heard Knuckles, Mephiles and Scourge scream in pain. Shadow and Sonic immediately run outside.

Sonic: Knuckles!! Scourge!!

Shadow: What's going on here?! What happened?!

Knuckles: *cough* The twins... They're here...

Shadow: What?! Impossible!!

Sonic: Shadow... Where are you going?!

Shadow: To find the twins!!

Sonic: Alone?! I can't let you do that!

Shadow: Sonic, can't you see what's going on? If this attack isn't so serious, I would let you follow me but for now, it's too dangerous.

Sonic: *sigh* Shad...

Shadow: You go inside before they come and get you! *run to the garden*

>At the garden<

???: *laugh evilly* Look who's here. The master of the 7 vampires.

Shadow: I know you two are here.

???: Oh... You finally decided to chase us. I remember where we defeat your team and you decided to run away from us.

Shadow: Not today... I will fight like I always do!!

???: Hey, maybe we can play together. How about that?

???: Sounds fun...

Shadow: So, you're approaching me?

???: Let's go, brother!!


Sonic: *huff* I hope Shadow's okay.

Silver: Sonic...

Sonic: Silver!

Silver: It's the twins right?

Sonic: I guess so. That's what Shadow said.

Silver: Where is he?!

Sonic: He goes to the garden to find that twins.

Silver: and you let him go alone?!

Sonic: He said he wants to go alone.

Silver: Sonic, if you really love him, you will follow him and protect him.

Sonic: But, I don't have any powers like all of you.

Silver: You don't need one... Because, you already have.

Sonic: Huh?!

At that moment, they could hear Shadow scream. Sonic was panicking. Silver hold his hand and nods. Sonic nods back and he quickly run to the garden.

>Back at the garden<

Sonic: Shadow!!!

???: Hmm? *gasp* Master... Look! Is that?

???: Huh... Looks like someone wants to join the party. Wait... That's... Jules's son... Let's get out from here.

???: Right...

The twins run away after they saw Sonic run towards Shadow. The black hedgehog was injured with bloody mess on his body including his face.

Sonic: Shadow...

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