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Sonic: Shadow!!

Shadow: *growled*

Sonic: Shadow wake up!!!

Shadow: *growl* What? What's wrong?

Sonic: It's an emergency!!

Shadow: Hmm?

Sonic quickly take Shadow to the kitchen and open the fridge.

Sonic: Look, there's no blood pack for you.

Shadow: *pet Sonic's head* So, you wanna follow me tonight to find some?

Sonic: Uhhh.... Can I???

Shadow: Well, since you're immune to vampire bites, I let you go with me tonight.

Sonic: T-That's sounds great!! I will prepare a holy water for our journey.

The blue hedgehog run away to his room to find his holy water. Then, Tails came in with Knuckles.

Knuckles: Is it safe for you take Sonic with you?

Shadow: Don't worry, Knuckles. I can handle him. Tails, about my appointment?

Tails: Oh, well, maybe next day, I have a report to finished before I show to master.

Shadow: Okay. Keep up a good work. I will be leaving tonight. Make sure everyone is good and don't do any stupid things in this mansion.

Tails: Understood, master!


Shadow: Sonic... Ready to go?

Sonic: Yes! I'm ready!!! *pack holy water in the bag*

Shadow: You... You don't really need that. I can protect you remember?

Sonic: No, it's okay. It's for emergency.

Sonic and Shadow walk into the deep woods. Shadow has killed many small animals while Sonic help him get the blood into the blood pack. At midnight...

Shadow: *look at Sonic* You tired?

Sonic: *his eyes almost closed* H-Huh?! N-No! I'm not...

Shadow: *pick Sonic up* Let's find somewhere to sleep for tonight. It takes a long walk to go back home.

Sonic: Why don't we just teleport or flying like all vampires do?

Shadow: I feel tired too Sonic. I don't know why.

They walk until they saw a small cave, fit enough for both of them to sleep.

Sonic: Shadow, I feel cold.

Shadow: *give his jacket to him* Here... Cuddle with me.

Sonic: *cuddle with Shadow and purred*

Shadow: Umm... Sonic?

Sonic: Hmmm?

Okay... Yaoi part!

Shadow: Have you ever rub someone's dick before?

Sonic: H-Huh?! Why you talk about this? *blush*

Shadow: Because, I have something for you to do. *take off his pants*

Sonic: *blush hard* S-Shadow...

Shadow: give me your hand

Sonic: Umm... *hold Shadow's hand*

Shadow: and rub my dick slowly *put Sonic's hand to his dick*

Sonic: uh... *rub Shadow's dick slowly*

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