house guest : ringo

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"Your brother is going to be bringing back a friend of his tonight for dinner." Your mom informed you as you helped iron clothes.

"Is he cute?" You piped, hoping it would be someone dreamy.

"Your brother told me to tell you 'back off'." Your mother laughed and walked out of the kitchen.


"Rory!" You cried out, running into your older brother's arms. "All big and 20." You smoothed out his jacket and then looked behind him and blushed red at the sight of his cute friend.

"What are you now? 14?" Your brother teased. You kept your gaze fixed on the boy who was behind him. He was a little shorter than your brother and looked like all the teddy boys your mom warned you about. Was he German? Oh his eyes! How blue!

"I am 19." You state matter-of-factly.

"Anyway, mum, dad, sis, this is Richard Starkey. We call him Ringo." Your brother greeted proudly. Your parents were not as impressed by his looks. He wore a leather jacket and fitting pants with boot-like shoes.

Your parents shook his hand and mustered a fake smile before walking out of the living room and into the dining room.

During dinner you made sudden flirty glances at Ringo while your brother explained what they did in Germany. Ringo made eye contact and smiled at you.

"That was so freaking cute oh my god." You thought to yourself. After dinner Ringo and Rory were singing Buddy Holly's : "That'll be the day".  Ringo gave you a flirty smile when you walked into the living room and saw them. Rory left after the song to go change his guitar strings.

"Ey." Ringo said, sitting down on your sofa and patting a spot next to him.

"Oh, hi." You respond shyly.

"What's yer name? Rory didn't mention he had a beautiful sister." You blushed before replying.


"That's lovely."

"Thank you." You smile. "You have a really nice singing voice."

He lightly laughed as your mother walked into the room.

"Y/N, can you please show Ringo to the guest bedroom?"

You nodded your head and motioned for him to follow you.

"Ye know I normally don't sleep with girls within an hour of meeting them.." he teased.

"I'm not like other girls." You play along, opening the bedroom door.

"This is really nice. Better than where we stayed in Hamburg for sure."

"I'd love to hear about it." You smiled. Ringo plopped on the bed, making it creak with it's age.

"Come sit." He said, slightly demanding. You obeyed and sat next to him. He looked into your eyes and every passing second felt like you were getting more and more lost in a bright blue sea. "Yer quiet." He joked, breaking the silence.

"I'm sorry."

"Oh don't say sorry, Luv! I was only joking." He brushed your hair back behind your ear and held his hand against the side of your face. He quickly glanced at your lips before kissing you deeply, pressing his lips firmly against yours. As he pulled away you could hear your brother approaching. You bolted up from the bed and made yourself busy folding sheets that sat nearby.

"There you guys are. Time for dessert!"


Later that night you lay on your back in the comfort of your orange, flower power bedroom, thinking of the kiss you shared with Ringo earlier that evening. Suddenly your door opened. It was late, who could it be?

"Are ye up?" The dark figure crouched over to your bed.

"Ringo? My mum would kill me if she saw you here."

"I'll be quiet." He smirked, his face lighting up with the moonlight streaming in through your window. He snuck under your covers and snuggled up next to you. "I hate being alone."

"well alright." You sighed, curling up close to him. It was comforting.

"I'll leave early, so don't worry. I just want this moment." He breathed into your hair.

"Okay." You ran you fingers through his hair as he lie on your chest, snoring softly.


not my best work, but I am happy to be writing these again!

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