mermaid : john

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requested by EmmaThirsten sorry girl, I tried my best:)

You are finally confessing to John that you are a mermaid.


You paced back and forth in the living room, awaiting John's arrival home. You were tired of keeping secrets from him, and this time it was even worse. I mean...who believes in mermaids other than...well, mermaids?

"Luv?" You heard him call from the entrance hall. You froze and felt your heart rate rise rapidly. You walked over to where he was, placing his large black coat on the golden rack to the right of the bright red door.

It was a sunny and gorgeous day outside, and all you really wanted to do was go down to the shore and dive into the cold and beautiful waters..."stop that. Focus." You thought to yourself as you looked out into the backyard of your West Palm Beach home.

"ye alright? No kiss? Yer quiet.." He walked over to you and looked at you worriedly.

"No, no I'm fine, John." You insist, giving him a peck on his cheek.

"Alright, what's wrong? It's not our anniversary is it?" He started to panic.

"No." You giggled lightly. You grabbed his hand and led him to the sliding glass door, passing through your cold and quiet home. John followed you in silence.

"What's going on?" He was deeply concerned. You comforted his worries without giving too much away. You walked out onto the deck and down the wooden steps, directing John to take off his shoes. The two of you continued to the water, walking on the soft white sand.

"I've got something to tell you.." You sighed. "Well, more like show you..." You let go of his hand and gestured for him to stay where he was. You then took off running into the turquoise waters.

Your body hit the water, clothes and all. You felt yourself sink into relaxation as bubbles formed around you, changing your two legs into one, scaly, dark green and blue tail. It's iridescent color reflected off the bright sun from the sky. You surfaced from the water, and looked out onto the shore for John.

He stood, his once beady eyes now large with shock, looking down at you and your tail. You shrugged and mustered a half smile to him. No one was around, it was just the two of you, dealing with your secret.

"So this is what ye meant when ye said ye had a huge secret?" His hands were on his hips, admiring and looking you up and down.

"I was going to tell you much earlier, Johnny." You commented.

"No, it's alright. If I had...a tail.." He digested the words he had just said. "I would probably keep it secret too."

"John...I understand if you can't deal with this.."

"Is this why ye didn't want to do it in the shower?" He laughed, raising up his jeans and walking into the water. You let out a laugh of relief that he was somewhat understanding.


He walked in to where you were and admired you once more, from up close. "It's a bit sexy...but how? How is this possible? Aren't mermaids like.."

"Mythical?" You rolled your eyes, recalling all the times your primary teachers had denied it to you.

'Yeah, sorry. It's just that.."

"I understand. It took me time to understand what I was as well, and accept me for who I am."

"Well I can get on board with that." He tutted, recalling his own insecurities.


Back inside your vacation home, you sat with John on your green velvet couch, your hands intertwined. He stood staring at your legs.

"So now that yer dry..yer back to normal?" He asked quizzically.

"Yes, something like that."

"How long have ye-"

"Well my mum was one, and she told me when I was six. So since then I've dealt with it." It was good to finally tell someone, and John of all people.

"Well, I think this gives ye an edge." He nudged your arm.

"Thank you?" You chuckled. He placed a warm kiss on your lips and his head fell onto your chest.


I apologize that it's so short.

Writing this brought me back to when I was 12 and obsessed with H2O, so that's where my knowledge is on mermaids.

Writing something super natural like this was so different but I enjoyed the challenge, so thank you Emma :))))

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