plushie : ringo

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requested by marmaladeskies67

You walked down Matthew Street, smiling and feeling the light breeze on your face. You stopped and saw girls giggling through a window. A sign was posted on the door to the little store.


You giggled at the thought of them being plushies and forced your way through the crowd outside and into the store. There were green bins placed on a table in the middle of the store, filled with everything Beatles related. From shirts to water bottles and even turntables. You noticed a couple of girls looking at the plush of Ringo.

"Isn't he just adorable!" One girl smiled, hugging the doll tightly to her chest.

"I would die to be his girlfriend!" You chuckled at her statement because Ringo Starr was in fact your boyfriend. The girls noticed you looking at them.

"I'm sorry, I enjoy him too." You say sweetly, walking over to the bins and grabbing one of the Ringos for yourself. It looked a good bit like him, although you knew all the little marks he had on his body from when you two get intimate. The girls backed away from you and silently watched as you felt around the doll. You decided to buy it in hopes it would keep you company while your boyfriend is gone and away on tour. "Maybe he will sign it for me when he gets home." You said out loud, the girls still looking at you strangely.

"You know Ringo??" They gasped.

"Maybe.." You smirked at them and then followed out the door hearing them start to whisper behind you.


"Luv?" Your front door opened and closed. You were working on dinner in the kitchen, your new Ringo plushie sitting up near the sink.

"In the kitchen!" You called out. Ringo ran up behind you and squeezed you tightly. You squealed and giggled. "Ritchie! You're home!" You cupped his face and gave him a sweet kiss. He looked by the sink and tilted his head.

"What's that?" He asked, a wide grin plastered on his face.

"My new friend..." You smirk, continuing to mash potatoes.

"Hmmm is the real thing not good enough for ye?" He asked, taking the plushie into his hand and looking it over.

"The real thing leaves me." You replied.

"Ouch." He stabbed himself with an imaginary dagger and stuck out his tongue, playing dead.

"Ritchie..." He returned his face to normal and walked over, hugging you again and giving you a kiss on the cheek.


After dinner the two of you got ready for bed, and you brought the plushie, snuggling with it while Ringo was still in the bathroom. He came out later and saw that you had your arms wrapped around it, holding it closely. He ran and jumped onto the bed, making you open your eyes, startled.

"Do ye like him more than me?" He smirked and began to tickle you. You roared with laughter and tried to release yourself of his grip. "Is Ritchie Starkey not performing well?" He pinned you down and laughed as you smiled up at him.

"Like I said, he stays with me." Ringo let go of you and rolled over onto the sheets.

"Well, then maybe I shouldn't come home." He huffed, out of breath from tackling you.

"No! I want you." You pouted and turned on your side, kissing his soft cheek. "After all, you can love me in ways that he can't." you looked over at the plush.

Ringo chuckled and pulled you close to him, kissing your neck and face over and over. "Yer right.." He mumbled into your neck, his breath giving you shivers. You giggled. He wrapped his arms and legs around your body and exhaled loudly. "I'm happy to be home with ye."

"I love you.." You say into the sheets.

"I love ye too" Ringo mumbled back.

"I was talking to the plush." You teased.

"Oh-ye little.." He bolted up and started to tickle you again, making you scream with laughter.

"I'm joking! I was kidding!" You yell out as he straps himself around you.

"I am yer one and only Ritchie, and I demand all yer attention!" He shouted out, cracking a smile at his own remark. He leaned down and planted a firm kiss to your lips.

"Okay." You reply softly. "We can still keep him though, right?" Your lips curve into a smirk. Ringo rolls his eyes at your request but nods and falls onto the bed, laying next to you.


I don't have much to say but...I hope it was good🥰🥺

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