fight for you : john

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"John, this isn't going to work." You sigh, pacing around his living room.

"Wh-Wh-What are ye even talking about right now? Just yesterday ye said that ye were going to break up with that bastard...and now yer what?"

"Engaged." You breathe quietly.

"Christ! Yer kidding me." He brought his palm to his forehead and shook his head. "What the hell- I thought we had something, Y/N."

"We did!" You cry out, feeling a slight sting in your nose, signaling you were about to cry.

"Did? God dammit. Well, I still have feelings for you. And I will fight for you. I can't lose you! Please, god. I can't!" John now fell to the floor and started crying.

"Oh, John." In your head you were regretting ever saying yes to the jerk you now would have to call you fiancé, but you also knew it was right.

"W-What can I do?" John perked up his head, his eyes puffy and fresh with pain. "To-to make ye come here, with me?"


"No! No! Stop it! I'm not losing ye! Not to that prick, not to anyone! I want ye!" He grabbed your hands and started to shake them with each word he said. "Please." He sniffled. You looked at him softly, tears falling down your cheek. You then sharply turned your head away from him.

"My parents..they would want me to be with Eric.."

"Oh bloody hell, not them again!" John threw his arms up in the air.

"John they are my parents!" You plead. "You have to understand."

"No! I don't! I don't get why yer going to let two people tell you who you marry. Ye should be happy. And I know yer happier with me.."


"Ye can't tell me it isn't true!" He yelled.

"Don't yell at me!"

"I'm not trying to! I just can't lose ye!" You ran into his arms and wrapped yourself around him tightly.

"John, I love you."

"Please, we can run away. I can support ye. The band is making more and more money with each gig." He pulled you back so he could look you in the eyes.

"I need a stable life, John."

"I will make one for ye. I promise. Please, just pick me. Choose me. Love only me."

Your mind raced with a million options.

"Ye have improved my life...b-beyond words, Y/N. I will fight for ye." He buried his head in your chest and you stood by his front door, wrapped in a warm, yet painful embrace..knowing it might be your last.


I did one similar to this with Paul, so my apologies to anyone who previously read that one and thought this was a drag.

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