✰ children : george

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Little Louise and Dhani ran past you, chasing each other around the spacious living room.

"Is Daddy coming home today?" Louise, 5, asked you, tugging on your dress. You bent down and smiled sweetly at your daughter.

"Yes, love." You brushed down her hair with your palm and she took off once more, screaming after Dhani.

"Mrs. Harrison?" Your maid called out to you. "Your husbands' car has just pulled in." Your heart skipped a beat at the news and you smoothed out your dress and smiled, standing in front of the door. A moment later, George opened the door and dropped his bags, allowing you to run into his arms.

"Y/N!" He cheered, squeezing you close. "Oh, it's been way too long, my love." He placed a gentle hand on your cheek and gave you a warm kiss. "I love you." He locked a deep and emotional connection with your eyes.

"Excuse me, Mr. Harrison, we must put your things away." The chauffeur interrupted, moving George to the side.

"Where's Louise and Dhani?" George asked with a euphoric grin; he was clearly glad to be home. You nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him out to the large backyard. Louise was being pushed on the swing by Dhani, her older brother. Once George saw his kids he went running after them, down the wooden steps and out into the grass.

"Daddy!!" You heard them scream, wrapping their short arms around George as he bent down to their level for a hug. You walked out after them. "Can you play? And mummy too?" George smiled and looked at you. You smiled back before nodding. "Yay!!!" They cheered, hugging your legs.

George stood up and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and looking you in the eyes. "Ye, are the best mum these kids could have. And the best wife. I've missed ye so much, Y/N." He gave you a meaningful kiss.

"Ewwwww!" Your kids booed, making you and George giggle, and part. George smirked and then started chasing after Dhani. You followed his action and took off after Louise, all of you laughing and screaming loudly.

The four of you laughed while the sun shined brightly in the clear blue skies. Your heart was complete, having George home. You pushed your kids, and eventually George, on the swing set and watched as Louise drove her little toy car around the yard. George was a kid at heart.

"Snack time!" You called out. George immediately ran up to you and screamed childishly:

"I'm first! I'm first!" Jumping up and down with his hand in the air. Your kids laughed at him and then followed you inside and into the kitchen.

George indeed did eat most of the biscuits that lay on the cloth table.

"I'm glad you're home, daddy." Dhani's cute little voice spoke. George smiled at his son and placed a kiss on his head.

"I am so glad to be with ye." George's eyes turned glossy as he looked at his kids who took off into the living room, picking up their yellow submarine toy and running with it.

George snaked an arm around your waist and kissed your cheek.

"I love you, Georgie." You exhaled softly. He beamed at you and held you even tighter. The two of you joined your kids again, playing in their small kitchen and making a mess of your living room.


Later you and George sat in your quiet living room, Louise and Dhani tucked soundly in their beds. George was playing with his guitar and mumbling lyrics.

"How was the trip with the lads?" You asked.

"A nightmare, Y/N." He sighed and got up, sitting next to you on the couch. You closed your magazine and prepared yourself. "First, I fucking hate Yoko. She tries to steal all of our food! I-" he grunted in agony but then calmed himself. "Secondly..John and Paul just aren't the same duo anymore. It breaks me heart. Ringo quit for a week, and oh! Get this...John changed his name to 'JohnandYoko'. Like one word." You giggled a little at his dramatics, but you also understood how frustrating it must have been. "Going on a holiday was the opposite of what we thought it would be. I wish Brian was still around to smack some sense into John."

"I'm sorry you guys are going through all of that." You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and he looked at you, leaning in to give you a kiss.

"At least I have my family." He smiled brightly, his mood turning around. He placed a hand on your waist and pressed his lips to yours, kissing you deeply. You moaned softly.

"George.." You panted between kisses. He felt up your shirt and smirked. "We..shouldn't..." However, Instead of fighting his affection, you gave in, allowing yourself to melt into him. His tongue dominated in your mouth and he took off his shoes before picking you up bridal style and bringing you into your bedroom.

He placed you down on the bed and took off his shirt while you slipped out of your dress. "Ye look so sexy.." He unbuckled his pants and crawled on top of you, kissing your belly with gentle little pecks, moving up your body and past your neck, back to your lips. Your lips locked together lustfully, his body pressing into you.


George breathed heavily, rolling off of your naked body and into the sheets next to you. He gave your cheek a soft kiss.

"I've missed that.." He smirked, staring up at the ceiling.

Your chest was rising and falling heavily and you wrapped yourself around George, nuzzling your face in his warm neck.

"I've missed all of you, Georgie."


did y'all like George better with Patti or Olivia?

also I just found out George kept a diary while with the Beatles? Like where is that piece of gold?🤭💞💞

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