✰ coffee shop : george

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You sat at a round wooden table in the quaint little coffee shop, sipping down the last of your tea. You were studying for finals, and it was becoming overwhelming and rather stressful, a throbbing headache forming at your temples. You groaned at the sight of your worksheets, filled with countless errors of how to solve for x.


You lifted your head to see a young employee, possibly a little older than you. He handed you a plate with a delicate piece of chocolate cake on it. "This is for you from the gentleman over there." He pointed out a tall teddy boy that stood, smirking at you near the bar top, a guitar strapped around his back.

You did a little flirtatious wave back to him and looked down at the napkin, which had a message written in scrawny letters with black ink.

"You looked a bit stressed. I recommend food :)"

You blushed reading the message, and felt an attraction to the boy. You thought you were a bit crazy but you looked up at the waiter and asked him: "Do you mind telling him that I want to share it with him?" The man nodded.

A minute later..

"I'm George." he smiled, walking up to where you sat.

"Y/N." You shook his hand and he sat down across from you.

"Want to eat that?" He pointed at the cake.

You giggled and looked down at your lap, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. "You can have it.." you replied.

"Really?!...I mean, no...I want ya to have it." He pushed the white plate in your direction, grinning at you.

"Alright then." You took the silver fork and took a small bite of cake, making sure to eat properly as to not embarrass yourself in front of the cute boy.

"What're ye stressed about?" He asked, watching as you ate the cake.

"Exams." You groaned, swallowing. He nodded his head.

"I understand that...actually not really...I've dropped out." He laughed. "I work as an electrician with me pa...but I'm in a band!" He held out his guitar.

You could tell he was nervous and that made you ease up a little. You motioned for him to finish the piece of cake while you packed away your papers.

"That doesn't sound too bad! You've got a plan!" You responded encouragingly.

"Thanks. What's yer plan?" You laughed dryly at the question.

"I'll be happy just to get a job at a paper company." You rolled your eyes.

"What's that mean? Can't women apply for any job they want now?" He crossed his arms and leaned on the table.

"Not quite.." You laughed. He seemed a bit puzzled.

"That's ridiculous. If I had a paper, I'd hire ye." He leaned back into the chair.

"You've never seen my writing.." Your lips curved into a smirk as his cheeks flushed red.

"Well can I read some now?" You quickly felt your heart drop and you knocked your tea onto the table. "Oops." He added, getting up to grab napkins.

"I'm so fucking dumb.." you hissed quietly to yourself, shoving papers in your bag.

"Say, would ye like to take a walk outside? It's rather nice for once." His warm eyes darted over to the large window next to the table, peering outside.

"Sure." You smiled and grabbed your bag, leaving some money behind. You wrapped yourself in your black overcoat, and walked out the skinny door, George trailing behind.

"So, did ye grow up in Liddypool?" He nudged your shoulder as you two started to walk through the village.

"No, but I moved here when I was rather young. I'm guessing by your Scouse that you've lived here your whole life?" You smirked at him. He blushed, dug his hands into his jacket pockets, and grinned.

"Ye, I have..I don't know if I'll ever get out of 'ere." He let out a huge sigh and looked up at the sky. "Looks like some clouds are coming in.." he pointed into the once blue sky, which was turning gray.

"This day can't get worse.." You slumped, pausing in the middle of the sidewalk.

"'Ey, yer fed! What else do ya need but some food?" You looked up at him with a 'seriously?' expression. "Sorry." He shrugged and looked away.

A clap of thunder struck overhead and you yelped in fear, clinging onto George's arm. He chuckled at you, and wrapped his hand around yours.

"It's alright. Just some thunder." He hushed. You watched as the street folk scattered to nearby awnings and inside shops.

That's when rain pelted down hard. You looked at George and laughed, the two of you watching each other as the rain splattered all over your clothes and belongings. You raised your arms and opened up your palms, feeling the rain beat against your skin.

"I-I think yer really beautiful." George shouted through the loud rain. His voice was muffled, and you were unsure of exactly what he said.

"What?" You yelled back, cupping your hands around your mouth.

"I think-" He stopped yelling and walked close to you, grabbing the right side of your face and pulling you into him, crashing his full lips on top of yours, giving you a wet kiss. He pulled away, but his hand still held your face. "I said, I think yer beautiful, Y/N." He smiled, revealing his perfectly white teeth.

"And I think yer handsome, George." You responded, laughing lightly as the rain continued around the two of you.


George and you walked into a record store nearby to dry off. You looked through your bag and found some of your writing, holding it out in front of George.

"Here's some of my work." His eyes widened at it, almost amazed just by looking at it. He took it and read it, while you bit your nails nervously.

"Wow. Y/N! This is fantastic!" He cheered, placing his hands on your waist and picking you up in the air. You beamed down at him as he slowly brought you back to the ground, your feet gently hitting the carpet. His hands still tightly held your waist and he leaned in, kissing you for the second time that afternoon.

"You think so?" Your palms pressed against his chest as he held you close. He nodded.

The two of you spent the rest of the afternoon walking in random stores around the village, sharing romantic kisses.


HOLY LORD HOW IS HE THIS HOTanyway, saw an article about when Dhani was born and the cover was 'Here Comes the Son'

HOLY LORD HOW IS HE THIS HOTanyway, saw an article about when Dhani was born and the cover was 'Here Comes the Son' I LAUGHED SO HARD

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