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They shared a common pain: loss and grief. Much like everyone else. But to a young lad, losing your mother was something that hit deeper than any 'normal' teenage grief. Since then, John and Paul had grown close. Where feelings started to melt into one large pot. Even they couldn't put a label on it. The world was straight and they had to be too..right?


Moments after the press conference ended...

"I hate all the bloody press." Ringo sighed, lighting his cigarette.

"It's not all bad sometimes." George replied optimistically. John sat down next to Paul, both of them exhausted but John more angry than Paul.

"George, do ye want to go grab some biscuits with me to calm ye down?" Ringo suggested. George nodded his head and the two of them walked out of the dressing room.

"John, love?" Paul called out.

"Yes?" John smiled, looking at Paul adoringly.

"Can ye help me fix this tie? It won't stay put." Paul mumbled, messing about with the straps in front of the mirror. John walked over and laughed at the sight of Paul struggling. "Why are ye laughing?"

"Because yer cute when ye struggle with something as simple as a tie."

"Oh, well then try to help me please." Paul sighed, giving up. John helped him fix it quickly, patting it out when done.

"There. Happy, princess?" John smirked, his face close to Paul's.

"Fucking ecstatic." Paul replied flatly. John let out a fit of laughter that made Paul crack a huge grin. "Stop laughing at me!"

"Yer just too adorable." John giggled, looking into Paul's eyes. The two of them locked eyes for a long moment, both of them eyeing each other's lips. John leaned in, but Paul held him back.

"W-We can't do this." He sighed. John walked back to the couch, disappointed.

"Why, Paul? We know there is something. Ye can't deny it."

"John..." Paul sighed, looking down at the floor below him.

"Don't 'John' me right now. I want an answer."

"Because I have Jane and you have Cyn and they are wonderful, WONDERFUL women!" Paul yelled. "who don't deserve us." He softened. John looked up at Paul, his eyes wide with the sudden outburst. "Im sorry." Paul added quickly.

"No, yer right. But...just one...please." John breathed, walking close to Paul. Paul looked into John's beady eyes and that's when he decided to close the space between them, wrapping his lips around Paul's, snaking an arm around his waist and pulling him deeply into him. Then they heard the door click and the two separated quickly, each of them busying themselves with something random.

"We got..the food..." George said slowly, reading the stiff room. "Ringo I think we forgot soda.."

"No we got it in-" Ringo started to say casually before George cut him off and dragged him back out of the room. As they were gone, Paul looked back up at John.

"T-that's why." Paul pointed to the door where George and Ringo just exited. "Because we are a band. And isn't it weird if-?" Paul began, running out of words to say.

"The risk makes it fun. I mean life is what goes on when you're busying making other plans."

"What the hell does that mean?" Paul looked at John quizzically.

"No fucking idea, really. Just thought of it." John cracked a smile and walked over to Paul, wrapping him in a hug. "Just...know that I love ye. No matter what happens in the band, between us, or anything else."

"I love ye too, John."


short, I'm aware, but I wanted to try out a McLennon imagine. just for fun.

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