✰ defiant : george

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This is quite lengthy because it needed context and I wanted it to be good


I was drawing little doodles in my notepad when I heard the phone ring downstairs. I bolted up, looked at my clock and noticed it was 8 o'clock.

George is gonna call me.

I panicked and rushed downstairs, tying my robe together as I jumped down the steps two at a time.

"Who is this?" I heard my mother ask into the phone, a bit aggressively.


"Mum? I think it's for me." I called out, walking over to her, out of breath.

"George? Well, Y/N has never mentioned you before..." She stared me down and I knew I was in trouble. I could hardly hear what George was saying but he sounded really nervous. "Y/N isn't up right now. She's studying." And with that she hung up the phone and I slumped my shoulders.

"That call was for me." I hissed.

"Your father will hear about this!" She called out. "No boys! You know this!"


I walked over to the shady spot under the tree, holding my books close to my chest.

"Hi, George..." I said shyly, looking down.

"Why didn't ye tell yer parents we are dating? Ye told me that they knew!" He yelled out.

"George..they are so strict! I tried but.."

"Well lying to me didn't help. Now they definitely hate me. I never said to hide our relationship from them." He folded his arms and turned away from looking at me. I felt deeply sorry.

"I'm sorry Geo." I pouted. He stayed quiet before saying a short goodbye and leaving. "Wait!"

"What?" He turned back around.

"I'll-I'll talk to them." I breathed, hoping he would smile and forgive me.

"Okay." He said simply. "The band and I are playing at the Cavern tonight." He added.

"You got in?!" I yelled out, beaming with happiness for him. He smiled at me brightly and nodded, but left it there and walked off. He was still upset, and i understood that.


"Y/N?" My mother called out as I walked inside the front door. I mustered up all the confidence I had and strutted into the kitchen.

"Mum, dad." I said, acknowledging each of my parents with a simple nod. "George and I, are dating."

"Not that teddy boy!" My dad grunted.

"The horrid scouse!" My mother planted her face in her hands.

"You two are so mean! He's a wonderful boy!"

"He gets poor grades..that's what Samantha from PTO said.."

"Oh, cut the gossip!" I yelled out. My parents silenced and stared at me, shocked. "You two can't stop me!"

"You will be locked in your room then!" My father yelled out.

"Is he threatening you for sex?!" My mother called out.

"No! He's lovely! And treats me well!" I felt tears swelling in my eyes and I took off for my bedroom.


My parents indeed locked me in my room, and I sighed, sitting on my windowsill, chin resting in my palm, staring outside at the street below me. I remembered that George was having he debut at the Cavern tonight; I knew I couldn't miss it. But it was at least three blocks from my house. I wouldn't make it by foot.

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