just a girl : ringo

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You stood around the party, bored out of your mind. You were invited to this black tie event at a Hilton by a good friend of yours who had connections to the music world.

"Just...cheer up." She encouraged, flashing you a smile before walking off with an older gentleman. You rolled your eyes and decided to go over to the bar in hopes that alcohol would solve your problems.

You were paranoid about the Beatles showing up at the party due to your brief past with their drummer, Ringo Starr. In Liverpool you knew him well, and you even traveled with him when he was with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes. However when he joined the Beatles, he had parted with you, leaving you hurt and broken.

You grabbed a glass or two of Prosecco from passing silver platters. Soon enough your eyes fixed on four lads who walked in to the party, cheers erupting when they came in. You saw Ringo and you felt sick. The two of you made brief eye contact but you quickly left, running to the restrooms in the back.

As you walked out, Ringo scared you by leaning against the wall.

"Ello, Y/N." He greeted.

"Christ!" You panted, placing a hand on your chest. "Ringo." You nodded your head professionally.

"Miss me?" He joked, rubbing his chin awkwardly.

"No." You lied, beginning to walk away from him. He grabbed onto your arm.

"Come on...lets have a drink. I've got time.." He suggested, glancing at the bar you just came from.

"I've already had a drink." You hissed, prying his hand off of your wrist.

"Y/N.." he pouted. "I know I hurt ye. I'm sorry. Let me explain."

"Ringo!" You yelled in a whisper. "I-I can't." You felt yourself about to cry so you turned and started walking away. Ringo ran after you.

"I can't just leave us like this." He panted.

"Leave us like what? What is 'us', Ringo?" A clear tear escaped your eye and you quickly wiped it away. Ringo's hard face softened. He approached you slowly.

"Y/N.." He reached out and held your hands in his warm and callused ones.

"Ringo..you left me like I was nothing to you."

"Y/N I-I didn't want to hurt ye."

"You did!"

"I wanted to stay with ye. I did. But I thought I would lose ya either way. Some boy back here would sweep ye off yer feet, and I would be halfway across the world, broken and hurting, just playing drums. I just didn't think it was best.."

"But that's not true! I may be a big shot around London...but remember, I'm just a girl.." You choked back some tears. "Standing in front of a boy.." your words were starting to blubber as you tried not to cry. "Asking him to love her." You pleaded, your eyes brimming with tears.

The two of you stood facing each other, in complete silence for the next passing moments.

"Y/N." He called out softly. You turned around and started walking away, this time Ringo didn't follow you. "I love you!" He shouted as you were halfway down the hall. You turned around and halted crying, looking at Ringo. People started to turn their eyes in your direction, looking at the scene. "I always have! And I love ye so much that I'm so afraid to lose you." He exhaled.

"Then why did you let me go?!" You shouted back.

"Because I don't deserve ye! I'm just a damn drummer! Not good enough for a gorgeous model like you!" The two of you were still at least 20 feet apart. You rolled your eyes and bit your lip.

"That's so untrue and you know it, Richard." You hadn't called him that in so long, that it pained your heart.

"You May be a girl, asking me to love her, but I'm also a boy, pleading and begging for ye to forgive me for being such an asshole." He was starting to walk towards you.

You stood in silence as people continued to watch. Ringo paused centimeters away from your face.

"I'm so sorry." He exhaled, looking at your lips.

You released your pain and flung your arms around his neck as he leaned in and gave you a passionate and forgiving kiss on your lips. The two of you melted into each other, his arms wrapped around your waist. Claps erupted as you two kissed and Ringo pulled back, beaming at you.

"Come with me and the band."

"What about my life here?"

"What's left for ye in London that ye can't do along the road? Be our journalist and model." He smirked, his hands still wrapped around you. You bit your bottom lip and nodded your head, agreeing to change your life. 


inspired by a post from marmaladeskies67
I felt like I was writing for some 2000's romantic movie to the point where I started tearing up lol

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