✰ italy : ringo

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You woke up early in your hotel room in Italy, the time difference making you a bit wired and not able to sleep like normal.

"Did you have five cups of coffee through the night?" A groggy Ringo asked you, sitting up in your bed, his hair disheveled and eyes sleepy. He stretched and got up, walking over to give you a tight hug, pulling you right up to his chest.

"Maybe.." you smiled, toying with the latch on your necklace.

"Here..let me help." Ringo suggested. He positioned the necklace around your neck and in a matter of seconds it was in place. "I'm good with me fingers."

"Oh, hush." You smiled, hitting his shoulder.

There was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Ringo called.

"Buongiorno, Mrs. and Mr. Starkey, I am here to inform you that breakfast is ready. Would you like it up here? Or.." A wonderful maid was helping service you and your husband on your honeymoon.

"Downstairs, please." You smiled. She left quickly.

"Still getting used to you being called that." He winked and lit a cigarette.

"Oh, I wish you wouldn't do that this early..." You scowled.

"I can't help meself." Ringo pouted.


"It's really delicious. Please tell the chef we say 'grazie'." You tried your best Italian accent. The waiter looked at you and laughed.

"I think it was good." Ringo added, taking a bite of his eggs.

"What are you thinking we can do today?" You ask eagerly.

"Well, maybe we can do a bit of sightseeing.....of the hotel's many art galleries!" He responded dramatically, with a wide grin. Disappointment filled your heart and you slumped in your seat.

"It's unfair I can't go to Italy and do normal tourist things.."


"I know.." You groaned, knowing he was going to use his fame as an excuse. "It's just that..." you leaned into the table to whisper to him. "When I met you, things were different. We went out and didn't have to have security guards.." You side glanced the larger than average man standing grumpily next to you.

"Fine. We will go out." Ringo sighed, finishing his food.


"Ritchie!" You squealed, squeezing his arm and jumping in excitement. "We're out of the hotel!"

He laughed at you as you enjoyed the beautiful breeze, the two of you holding hands and walking through the streets....with the normal 4 body guards.

Ringo took you into some of the local shops where you two bought a camera.

"We can use it to document our life together! Then when we are old and wrinkled, we can look back on the memories." You exhaled happily and dreamlike.

You and Ringo continued throughout Italy, walking along the cobblestones streets and ignoring the passing cameras and journalists. Music streamed from around you; cellos and accordions harmonizing..Ringo keeping a steady beat by tapping his foot....

"You're the best drummer in the whole world!" You say cheesily. He looked down at you adoringly.

"And I married the best woman in the world." He pressed his index finger onto the tip of your nose before leaning in and giving you a wonderful and passionate kiss on the lips.

Thunder cracked above the two of you, almost making you jump. Rain started to poor down and Ringo's lips curled into a wide smile as he wrapped his arms around your waist and swayed with you in the pouring rain. People from around you in the street fled to nearby awnings, while you and Ringo just stared into each other's eyes.

"There's not a single thing I don't love about ye, Y/N. Absolutely nothing."

"Oh, Ringo. You know just what to say to make a girls heart melt.." You awed, pressing your forehead against his and giving him a dripping wet kiss. The two of you the proceeded to walk along the streets, hand in hand, in the rain.


I loved this so much I'm posting again for today.


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