✰ across the room : ringo

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You stood quietly, watching as men rushed around you, busy with something to do.

"Excuse me?" You spoke up.

"Shut up and sit down! Yer a woman and if I had it my way, you wouldn't even be here!" The cameraman shot at you. You froze, and, feeling hurt, you walked over to a metal chair and sat in it quietly.

The Beatles walked in, heading around to the sofa which you sat in front of. You wanted to scream, but you kept calm, knowing how much your co-workers already hated you.

As the interview began, you took notes down, smiling and blushing at each of the boys. Ringo Starr shot a glance your way, locking eye contact with you. He gave you a cheesy grin.

All throughout the interview Ringo kept looking at you, trying to make you laugh.

When it ended you got up from your chair, walking towards the back of the studio to file your notes

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When it ended you got up from your chair, walking towards the back of the studio to file your notes. Your boss came over, furious.

"I saw you looking at Mr. Starkey!" He slammed a hand down on your small desk.

"W-What?" You looked at him confusingly.

"Oh, don't ye play games with me! I pay ye! This wasn't a date, it was work!" He yelled. "You're nothing but a woman, and if you can't keep in your low place than I will make sure you don't see another interview in your life!" He left, pushing your notes onto the floor.

You watched as they floated to the ground, tears brimming in your eyes. But you held it together and bent down to pick it up.

"He shouldn't treat ye like that." You looked up to meet the striking blue eyes of Ringo.

"Well, he's my boss.." You exhaled. Ringo bent down and helped you collect your notes, placing them back on your desk in a neat pile. "Thank you, Ringo." You added.

"Call me Ritchie." He gave you a warm smile and extended a hand out to you.

"I'm Y/N." You reply, shaking his firm and calloused hand.

"Here, come with me." He wrapped his arm around you and the two of you walked off, past your boss, who looked furious. Ringo gave him the finger and you held back laughter.

"I'm so getting fired." You laughed. Ringo still held you close, but his arm was now snaked around your waist.

"Well...maybe ye can come work for the band." He suggested, smirking at you.

"Oh..I wouldn't want to intrude-"

"Beauty never intrudes.." You blushed a beet red, and turned your head away from him so he wouldn't see.

Ringo took you around to a little lounge area, where a record was spinning on a turntable, and John, Cynthia, George, Pattie, Paul, and Jane all sat around a table, sharing a couple of cokes.

"Ringo!!! Who's the bird?" John shouted, opening his arms widely.

"Y/N." He said for you. You smiled sweetly at all of them and walked over to shake John's hand. He looked at you, analyzing you.

"Was she at the interview?" He looked past you and at Ringo.

"Yeah. Her boss was treating 'er bad just cause she was a woman." Ringo shook his head and grabbed your hand, pulling out a chair for you to sit in.

"How awful!" Cynthia gasped, looking at you sympathetically. Pattie and Jane agreed.

The lot of you chatted around the table for quite a while, everyone getting to know each other better. It didn't even really occur to you after a while that you were with a bunch of famous people. Ringo's hand lay lightly on your upper thigh.

Soon enough everyone went off in couples, heading back to the hotel. Ringo took your hand again, and led you out to the front of the studio you were just in.

"Oh, my boss." You remembered.

"Fuck him." Ringo said, continuing to pull you along. "Ye'll be working for a man who respects women from now on." He hissed.

Ringo called a car to come pick the both of you up, and it arrived rather quickly. The velvet seats smelt of cigarettes and booze, but you didn't mind. Ringo discussed topics with you about his own childhood, how his mum taught him to respect all women. He also frequently made you laugh, with numerous cheesy pick up lines.

"I should ask ye a question." He stated seriously. Your smile faded into a worried look, and your heart rate rose.

"Yes?" You stuttered.

"Do ye have a boyfriend?"

"No. Not at all." You blurted. He smirked at your quick response, his gaze fluttering down to your lips.

As you felt the car stop, Ringo leaned into you, pressing his warm and soft lips against yours. You kissed him back and the two of you started to make out in the backseat, his hand sneaking up your thigh and under your skirt.

The driver coughed, making Ringo pull away from you.

"Sorry." He looked over at the driver and laughed, looking at you and motioning for you to exit. Someone had come by and opened the door for the two of you.

Ringo quickly escorted you upstairs, and ran with you to his hotel room. He locked the door behind the two of you and threw off his overcoat. He grabbed you by your waist and pushed you up against the back of the door, crashing his lips onto yours passionately. His tongue caressed the inside of your mouth and you let out a moan as he pressed himself onto you.

"I should.." He pulled away, panting. "Probably ask for permission first, y'know, since I'm a gentleman." You giggled and nodded your head, pulling him into you, your hands running through his mop top hair.

"Yes, Ritchie." You whispered softly into his ear, making his lips curve into a devilish grin. He quickly unbuttoned his shirt, taking off his shoes. You followed and the two of you took off your clothes.

Ringo laid you down on the mattress, tracing your body lightly with his fingers, making you shiver.

He smirked at you, his eyes brimming with lust as he leaned into you, placing another warm kiss to your lips.


I really wanted to do an imagine that captured how women in this field were treated and Ringo was perfect to play the hero.

also I hope you have an INCREDIBLE day because you deserve it🥺💞

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