you must be known

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It is well known amongst Beatles fans that the woman who were dating these for lads were kept away and held a secret from the world. However your boyfriend has had enough of you being hidden and they have something to say:

John Lennon:
"I'm not doing it again!" John yelled out at Brian. You moved back in shock at your fiancé's sudden outburst. "I can't hide her from the press any longer. Honestly! Ye people think ye can just push us around and control who we are and who we love! Well ye can't! I don't care what the stupid fans will think." Brian looked shocked at the way John was acting. It wasn't like him to defy Brian, because it was usually understood that Brian knows best.

"John, we understand this is upsetting.."Brain approached John as if he was armed; very cautiously.

"Christ! Just listen to me please! I'm not hiding Y/N away. I'll walk out of this building kissing 'er. Unless yer gonna listen to me and allow us to be public. I'm sick of this. I can barely see her. She has to deny she's even engaged! I don't want some other prick macking on 'er.." John stormed outside the door.

Ringo Starr:
"Brian." Ringo stated firmly. His tone was alarmingly serious and stern. "I'm not doing it anymore. Y/N doesn't deserve this and I really wouldn't like to lose 'er."

"I-I'm sorry Ringo, but I don't understand what you are asking."

"Brian I want to be seen with 'er. I want the whole world to know that she and I belong together. Because we do." He looked at you and smiled, taking your hand and pulling you close to him. Brian stared at Ringo in amazement. You were also shocked. Usually no one but John defied Brian's judgement. "Is that clear?"

"U-Uh, yes. As you wish i suppose." Epstein nodded his head, his mouth still agape and his eyes still wide at the sudden outcry from Ringo. Ringo looked at you again and kissed your lips softly.

"Thank you." You whispered into his ear.

George Harrison:
"I really can't be doing this anymore, Brian." George shook his head, looking down at his guitar in the studio.

"W-What? I-Is something wrong with the strings? We can switc-"

"I'm not talking about the music, Bri." He muttered again, firmly and slightly aggressive.

"W-Well then I don't understand, Harrison."

"I want to be able to walk along the streets with Y/N. Let everyone know that she belongs to me. That she's me girl." George looked up at Brian, almost with a threatening look in his eyes. "It's unfair that we have to hide 'em away."

"It's for their safety and yours!"

"Well we aren't happy! And shouldn't that be the main concern around 'ere? I'm sick of it all being about money and looks."

"It's reality, George." Epstein enunciated.

"I don't give a damn about the bloody reality! I care about 'her!" George shouted, extending an arm out to you. You turned away as Brian looked over at you. "I'm not doing it anymore." George wrapped an arm around your shoulder and walked out the studio doors.

Paul McCartney:
"Paul...what's the matter? Is it the food? Or the alcohol?" Epstein asked at the lounge. Paul had an arm draped around your shoulder, but his head hung glumly.

"I don't want to hide my love away." He muttered. John looked up.

"Ey, get yer own line."

"Fuck off." Paul spat. You flinched a little in shock at his sudden use of profanity. It wasn't unheard but it wasn't common coming from Paul.

"Now, what's the matter with ye?" Epstein asked a little louder, demanding an answer.

"I can't keep pretending I'm not in love! I don't want to be 'single'! I've found the love of me life! Why shouldn't I be able to go about the streets, yelling and shouting out that she's mine!" He shouted. Everything around you grew silent and your cheeks flushed red. "I'm sorry Bri, but I can't be doing this anymore. Everyone needs to know that I'm in love. That I plan to marry this girl someday."

"Well..." Brian tried to think of something to say. Paul gave you a quick kiss and got up from the sofa you two were on, grabbing your hand and dragging you along with him towards the back door.


sorry this is a bit long, it needed a good amount of context and dialogue for each. I hope my ideas aren't a drag, I'm working on new ones.

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