california dreamin' : george

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You were headed to the beach for a beautiful afternoon in sunny Malibu when you noticed your beach was CROWDED.

"What the hell is going on?" You asked yourself as you approached the sand, squinting through your sunglasses. Your beach was a private beach, so how all these people got in was beyond you.

"Oh." You exhaled, slightly surprised and wondered if you were dreaming. "That's the Beatles."

"THE BEATLES ARE HERE!!" Screamed a group of girls who took off bolting towards the water.

You decided to find a spot and sit down, being as normal as you can. There were some towels laid out beside an open spot so you decided to take it, hoping to get some peace.

You laid on your back for about twenty minutes or so, tanning, before you heard a group of male voices chattering and approaching. You groaned and got up to see who it was.

"Oh-oh. This can't be real." You muttered to yourself.

They noticed you and paused, staring like they have never seen a girl in a bikini before in their life.

"Ello there." Paul smiled, squinting in the sun.

"Hi." You waved shortly. They continued to move and dried off using the towels beside you. George was on the towel closest to you.

"How'd you get over here?" He asked, patting his face dry.

"I'd ask you the same question." You shot back, regretting the use of sarcasm at a moment like this.

"Ooo, feisty." He winked. "Are ye from around here?"

"No. I'm actually from Antarctica." You joked again. Regretting your dry and horrible sense of humor once more. "I meant to say yes; yes I'm from here."

He laughed at you, showcasing his beautiful, wide smile. Wow was he just gorgeous.

"I'm George. George Harrison." He extended a hand to you.

"I'm aware." You smiled, shaking his cold hand. The other three boys got up and decided they were going to go back in the water and asked George to come along. He looked at you.

"Care to join us?" He stood up and extended his free hand to you, which you took, and he pulled you up.

"Sure." You smiled, walking with them down to the water. As you walked you heard a catcall from behind you. You were used to the attention so it didn't matter. George however looked back at the man with a quizzical expression.

"Is that yer boyfriend?"

"No, I don't have one of those."

"Oh good. I-I mean...Okay?" He blushed a bit and looked down into the water. You laughed and watched as the four boys splashed each other. Cameras started to gather around the lads, taking pictures and asking questions. You started to back away, as cameras scare you a bit.

"Come 'ere!" George called out with a comforting smile, waving you into the water with them. When you shook your head he rolled his eyes and got out, walking towards you. "I'll carry ye in." He whispered.

"Oh I don't think the attention is-" but he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder, carrying you into the water without another word said.

"I want ye here." He smiled, placing you into the water in front of him. You blushed and made small conversation with some of the other boys. Cameras flashed and continued.

"How do you even think with all that noise?" You ask George.

"Eh, we all get used to it." He shrugged, jumping into John's back.

The lot of you continued to talk and mess around, fans coming up every now and then.

"I think ye scare 'em off." John said, pointing out a group of girls who were crowded nearby like we were zoo animals, too afraid to come too close. You all laughed it off and wandered back to your towels.

A boy from your class was waiting there when you arrived. It was Thomas. He has always annoyed you by asking you out every week. You deny him every time but he continues.

"Hello, Y/N." He smirks. "You look stunning as always." He then noticed the boys behind you and stood up quickly. "Y-Y-You know the Beatles??"

"Yeah, and who are ye?" George asked, a bit threatened.

"Uh..Thomas. A really good friend of Y/N." He winked at you. You groaned and folded your arms in disgust.

"Thought ye said ye don't got a boyfriend." George whispered into your hair.

"I don't." You enunciated back. "He's just annoying."

"I think you better go." George demanded to Thomas.

"Oh, come on Y/N. You know you love me."

"I don't." You yelled back. George continued to slowly push Thomas away until he fled.

"Ye shouldn't let guys treat you like an object." George said softly as he left. The two of you sat back down on your towels and you pulled out your little bag of fruit and began munching.

"Want some?" You motioned the open bag to George, who beamed.

"I love ye already." He laughed, grabbing a handful of grapes.


not super romantic but-

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