brownies : ringo

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You heard your doorbell ring and rushed over to greet your boyfriend Ringo.

"Good Afternoon, my Luv." He greeted, giving you a kiss on the cheek and walking into your flat. "How have ye been?" He smiled at you cheesily, wrapping his arms around your waist.

"I've been good...but I've missed my Ritchie.." You pouted. He leaned in and gave you a warm and soft welcome home kiss. "So." Kiss. "Much." Kiss.

"Did you get the stuff?" He asked you with a smirk.

"I did..." you waved your hand over to your kitchen and he followed you; when you arrived you did a hand gesture to reveal the boxes and boxes of brownie mix. Ringo squealed and giggled in excitement, clapping his hands. He ran over to you and scooped you up in his arms spinning you around.

"I'm so excited I get to bake with you! I miss doing this with my mum.." He cupped your face in his hands and kissed you firmly and quickly. "Let's get baking!" He breathed, giggling and going to grab a mixing bowl.

"Okay we need one egg, some vegetable oil..." you read off the red box as Ringo dashed behind you, scurrying around your kitchen to find the ingredients. You giggled at him. "You're so cute." You sighed, setting the box down and looking at him as he handed you an egg.

Ringo stood behind you and helped you as you mixed the batter together, him kissing your neck softly. Every now and then you would take some batter with your finger and wipe it on his nose.

"Oh! So ye wanna war?" He teased you and then would take batter on his finger and chase you around the flat as you giggled.

"You can't get me..." you egged. Sooner or later you two popped the pan into the oven and sighed. "What are we gonna do while it bakes?"

"I've got an idea." He smirked, picking you up and tossing you over his shoulder, carrying you to your bedroom. You squealed and laughed as he tickled you. He brought you down on your bed, lifting up your shirt and exposing your stomach to the cold air. He smiled and peppered your stomach with soft kisses from his warm lips. He then gave you deep kisses on your lips and straddled himself on top of you, his hands running through your hair. Then he took his belt off...


The two of you cuddled close to each other under your comforter, his strong arm wrapped around your waist. "I love ye." He leaned in, giving you an Eskimo kiss. In the distance, a timer went off. Ringo jumped out of bed and quickly dressed himself.

"Brownies!!" And he rushed out the bedroom door, leaving you to get ready and to after him. "Hot, Hot, Hot!" He hissed, trying to take out the pan. You rushed over and saw his little puppy dog eyes as he kissed his wound.

"Awe baby, lets run it under cold water." You led him over to your sink and when you turned on the water his pout curved into a smirk and he started splashing you with water. You shrieked and jumped on top of him. "Ritchie!!!" He laughed and spun you around as you tried to knock him to the floor. He leaned in and gave you a bunch of kisses all over your face.

"I'm so glad I got to come to ye." He looked deep into your eyes and brushed your hair behind your ear. "I love ye." He gave you a smooch and then pulled away, your foreheads still touching.

"I love you too." You smiled up at him adoringly, your hands gripping his muscular arms. He gave you another quick peck before going over and cutting up the brownies.


shitty ending, my bad:/

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