when a beatle gets angry

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this one is different than my other one I promise

John Lennon:
"Y/N!!" He yelled out, looking at you from the booth he sat in at the pub. You quickly stopped dancing with the kind gentleman and froze, watching John as he stomped over to you, boiling mad. "What the fuck do ye think yer doing, dancing with another guy?" He hissed into your ear, sending an alarm through your body to run out the door. He grabbed onto your wrist tightly and pulled you along with him, around to the back hallway of the pub where it was quiet.

"John, I was just simply dancing..we weren't even touc-" John raised his right hand and struck you across the face, leaving as soon as he was through, his fists tight by his side. He left the pub without another word, leaving you broken, confused, and with a sting on your cheek.

You fell down to the floor and broke into a fit of tears. You couldn't believe he did that to you. You never wanted to see his face again.

Ringo Starr:
"Ringo?" You called out, walking through the back door of your home and hanging your keys. "I'm home now, love." You walked through the kitchen and into the living room where you saw Ringo sitting upright in the armchair, staring at you dead-on. "W-What's the matter?"

"What's the matter is the fact that ye left the house, all without calling me, leaving me a bloody note, or informing yer children!" He shouted aggressively at you. Startled, you felt your eyes fill with tears. "Ye didn't te call at all!"

"My mum called...I-I needed to-" You stuttered, unsure of what to do.

"Well whatever the hell ye rushed off to was apparently more important than yer husband and kids. Because while ye were off at yer mum's or whatever the hell it was, Zak, Emme, and I were worried sick about you!" His eyes turned glossy and he suddenly bolted up, storming off to your bedroom and slamming the door behind him. You fell down to the floor, in tears.

George Harrison:
You walked into the kitchen and were greeted with a plate of delicious looking biscuits, warm and fresh from the oven. You thanked the chef who stood nearby, watching you with almost a worried look in her eye. "Marie is everyth-" You began to ask before George came storming over, red in the face.

"What the fuck do ye think yer doing?" He grabbed the biscuit from your hand and held it in your face as he yelled at you. "I asked for these bloody biscuits! They're mine! Every fucking time I ask for food, ye eat it first! I deal with that bitch Yoko at the studio taking me bloody food and now.." He scoffed. "Me own wife is taking it too!" He clearly had had a bad day and was taking it out on you and food.

"George, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to take it from you, I just saw them and thought they were for everyone.." You pleaded, glaring at Marie for not informing you before you ate one. George seemed to calm down, but you decided to leave and give him space anyway, leaving him alone with his biscuits.

Paul McCartney:
"Y/N?" Paul called out frantically from upstairs. "Where is it?" He hopped down the stairs quickly, halting in front of you. "Luv, where's my stuff?"

"Oh, I cleaned up your office a bit. It looked messy so I wanted to make it organized for you." You smiled at him. However he didn't take a liking to that idea and instead he grew tense and hot with anger.

"What?" He spat, taking off and running back up the stairs. You followed, running up after him and into his office which was clean. You smiled at you work, but he glared at it. "Why would ye touch my stuff! I don't go around fiddling with yer photographs even though it's a bloody mess in our closet!" He spat, flailing his arms out. He rummaged through his things, throwing books and pieces of paper off the table and onto the floor. He looked like he hadn't slept in days.

You quietly slipped out of the room as he began to yell out unkind words about you. You felt your heart get beaten up as he spoke, but you suffered softly, trying to understand his anger was coming from pain and lack of sleep.


sorry if this offended anyone but I like a little heat and drama.
I'm thinking of putting a collection of my favorite imagines remastered.

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