✰ baby its you : george

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"Do ye think it's normal? For me to constantly think about one girl? One bird, one woman, just all of the time?!" George yelled out in agony. He had come over to your house for a dinner and  the two of you got into an argument when your boyfriend, Will, came to the door to drop off your clothes.

"George, what are you talking about?"

"Oh my fucking god, Y/N!" He yelled out, turning around to face you. "It's ye!! Yer the one! THE FUCKING ONE! The only girl I want." He burst. Your eyes grew wide. You had no idea that's how he felt about you.

"H-How long have you felt this way about me?" You ask.

"From the moment ye walked into the press conference, sat down in front of me and asked me those questions. I got to know ye that day, and I've never been more amazed." He awed, looking at you like a piece of art, walking over to you and taking your hands in his. "I've fallen in love with ye. I mean.." he opened his hands out to you. "Just look at ye. Yer just...beautiful, sexy, stunning, funny and so...full of life." He exhaled. "The life that I want. Yer all I need and I now know that. And I can't live another moment not knowing how ye feel about me too."


"Oh, yer not going to tell me ye don't feel the same way, are ye? Ye found out I slept with someone else and ye were mad at me for days!" He groaned, turning around, burying his face in his hands.

"T-Well-uh..but.." you stuttered. He turned around to look at you.

"Let out everything, Y/N." He said softly. You took a deep breath in.

"I enjoy spending time with Will, he's a rather nice man, and he's got a kind heart.." you began. George rolled his eyes.

"Yer kidding me." He folded his arms and walked up to you, standing in the middle of your living room. "Tell me that ye aren't in love with me, Y/N."

"I-I-I'm.." You stuttered. You stared up at him in his simple black tie and white button up shirt, his messy, curly hair sitting looking fluffy on his head, and his dreamy lips daring you to just...George quickly grabbed a firm hold on your waist and pulled you into him, crashing his lips on top of yours, kissing you with force, desire, lust, and passion all at once. He pulled your waist further and further into him with each warm kiss. He then pulled away, panting lightly but allowing you two to breathe.

"Now..ye were gonna say something?" He smirked, your faces still close. His lips curved into a smile, showing his cheesy and adorable grin.

"I'm in love with you too." You exhaled, like you had been waiting your whole life just to tell him those simple words. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he lifted you off the ground, your knees bending and your heels slipping off, falling onto the carpet below. George kissed you longingly and carried you down the hall into your bedroom, gently letting you onto the bed. The sheets were cold against your back, but George's warm lips kept you cozy. He took off his shoes and tie, unbuttoning some of his shirt before hovering back over you and smiling like a little boy.

"Yer absolutely everything good in this world..." He surveyed your body before jumping on top of you, making you giggle loudly, tickling you.


Later the two of you lied down under the covers, George giving you little kisses all over your face and neck. His fingers gently grazed up and down the side of your body.


"Yes, baby?" He gave your shoulder a kiss.

"Are you going to hide me away?" You knew that being in the spotlight for George was always scary, and bringing the people he loved into the light was something George didn't do. However you didn't want to be locked away like Cyn was, hidden just because she was in love with a Beatle.

"No." He said plainly.

"Really?" You turned around to face him.

"Really. I mean, Cynthia is now allowed to say that she is married to John, and she came on the American tour...it should all be well for you to be out with me as well. I just have to call Epstein first." He beamed. You nodded and sighed, it was relieving to know he did love you enough to stand up for you.

George rolled over and switched off the light, kissing you goodnight.


i'm obsessed with watching Beatles edits on Instagram. They are so adorable what the heCK.

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