✰ posh : john

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you were in your local record shop, browsing the records you wished to bring home.

"honey, your dad and I are going to grab a bite to eat..you good to stay here?" you mom gently placed her delicate hand on your back. You nodded your head and she gave you a small smile before walking out the door with your dad, watching her furry coat make her look like a marshmallow. you sighed and looked around the shop at the many people nearby. then you spotted a group of four boys in black leather looking suspicious. you sneakily walked over to investigate.

"Stealing records isn't too nice." You folded your arms across your chest and watched as the four boys jumped back at the sound of your voice behind them.

"Christ, woman!" One of them said, placing a hand to their heart. You rolled your eyes.

"Whatever, just...let me buy it. Record stores are dying." You took the money out of your dress pocket. The boys' eyes widened at the sight. "What're your names?"

"I'm Paul." A sweet boy smiled at you, shaking your hand.

"Pete." The shy but good looking kid next to him spoke.

"And you..?" You asked the quiet one.

"Uh- John." He swallowed, looking at the money you were counting.

"Look, I don't think we should take your money.." Paul said.

"Oh it's no problem. I would buy those Chuck Berry albums myself but..my parents would prefer I get classical."

"Oh well that's not too bad.." Paul added to comfort you. You laughed and handed them the money.

"Just buy it." John stayed behind as Pete and Paul scurried to the counter.

"We uh- we should pay ye back for those.." he shoved his hand into his trouser pockets. He looked like a scruffy school boy.

"Buy me lunch around the corner then?" You teased, however he thought you were serious.

"Oh-see I don't have the money right now.."

"I was only joking." You laugh. He cracked a small smile. "Just keep me company then." You shrug.

"Thank ye so much!" Paul exclaimed, checking out the record.

"Let's go get lunch!" You suggest, walking towards the door.

"Oh, uh, Pete and I have to go meet with our study group for the exams tomorrow..." Paul said slowly.

"Paul and Pete are the smart ones.." John folded his arms. "Go.." he shooed the other young lads out the door and they scurried off with their new EPs.

"Suppose I could still join ye?" John suggested. You smiled and took his hand, leading him down the block.


"I've been in here once, it's quite nice." John mentioned, looking up at the painted ceiling of the fancy lunch spot.

You two sat down at a table and John looked at you, just admiring your beauty.

"What school do ye go to?" He asked.


"Excuse me?" He choked on his coke a bit.

"School...at home." You laughed. You knew being homeschooled meant having lots of money but to you, your money didn't define you.

"Oh, yer rich. Like..really rich." He looked at you with wide eyes and started to scoot out of the booth.

"Wait! .." you yelled out after him. "..you're just going to leave?" He looked back around at you.

"I'm not like ye.." and he turned around and went out the door. You ran out after him, apologizing to the waitress and handing her a couple pounds. He was out at the front, lighting a cigarette.

"Can I have one?" You ask, pointing to his pack. He nodded his head and helped you light it. "Look..I don't want you to be like me." You exhaled white smoke.

"But I'm really not what ye want."

"How do you know what I want?" You sassed.

"yer just one of those posh girls who likes the mods..." he laughed, amused at his own joke.

"That's all you think of me as? Posh and snobby? Just because I paid for your stupid records?!"

"Woah there princess..they aren't stupid. That's rock n roll..." he pointed an angry finger at you and faced you dead on.

"Sure..whatever it is. You couldn't afford it and I tried to help.." you scoffed, rolling your eyes. His fists tightened by his sides.

"I choose to be the way I am.." he hissed.

"Oh, a dick to every girl?" You say sarcastically.

"Im great in bed.." He breathed into your hair, placing a palm on the wall behind you.

"And you only care about sex!" You panted, his face near you, your lips quivering.

"I already hate you so fucking much." He said through clenched teeth. You looked into each other's eyes and then at each of your lips, fighting the urge.

"I hate you too." You hissed back. John then grabbed your waist tightly and pulled you into him, kissing you deeply with his lips slightly parted, taking in breaths every so often, kissing you more and more aggressively. Your hand held onto his hair as you were pushed further into the brick behind you. Eventually he stopped and pulled away, licking his fresh lips.

"My parents aren't home.." You smiled, messing about with your fingers.

"A-and where is yer home?" He smirked. You took his hand and the two of you started walking back to your house.


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