✰ surprise date : ringo

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thank you allwehearisQueen , she came up with this beautiful idea💘

(made up character name: Sabrina)

You took a big sigh, resting your head on your palm, and tapping your fingers nervously on the table you sat in front of. Romantic live jazz played in the corner of the luxurious restaurant, but your jitters drowned out any possibility for alacrity.

You flipped over your wrist to check your dainty gold watch—your date was now an hour late. You started to tap your left foot, your body surging with impatience. You looked out the large glass window to your right, watching as couples walked by, hand in hand. Your eyes suddenly brimmed with uncontrollable tears. You wiped them away as they fell across your pretty face, your makeup ruined.

You struggled to pull yourself together, patting on your powder in the small compact mirror you held in your freshly manicured hands.

"Ma'am? We are going to have to give your table up soon..or at least order something more.." Your waiter was growing just as impatient, his jaw now clenched when he spoke to you. You nodded and order another glass of wine, hoping to drown your sorrows. You looked around you, seeing the white cloth tables filled with laughing guests, enjoying their time. Even the red drapes against the tall windows seemed to be doing better than you, their velvety covers light and creased with smiles. Your eyes fixed on a cheeky group of lads who sat goofing off in the back of the restaurant.

Your eyes met with a fellow that was shorter than the others, his eyes soft as he watched your lips wrap around the wine glass you held precariously within your fingertips—taking back the last drop of red wine from the bottle you got an hour ago. With his staring, you decided to play a tease and wink at him. He looked startled by your action, but his lips soon curved into a smile.

thirty minutes later...

"Okay we seriously can't you just sitting here...he's not coming.." Your waiter spoke at you caustically. You rolled your eyes and he walked off.

"I'm Ringo." Your eyes fluttered up and locked with the same gentleman. Your lips loose with alcohol you decided to flirt.

"Sabrina."A cheeky smile appeared on your face as he leaned down to kiss the back of your hand. You gestured a hand to the empty seat in front of you. He took the cue and sat down.

"Well who's the bastard who's missing out?" He asked, crossing his arms across his chest. Your eyes wandered over his outfit—a slim fitting black jacket over a black turtleneck, his pants the same shade of noir. It was sexy.

"My boyfriend," Your thoughts suddenly flooded with that of your loneliness and you cried, crashing your face into the cloth on the table.

"Hey..don't cry.."He got up and walked over, soothing you by stroking your back. You attempted to control yourself.

"Hey, are you her date?" I overheard the waiter ask him. You heard Ringo pause before responding.

"I am, yes. Now can you please get us two of the chefs recommended dish please?" He ordered, his tone demanding and rather sexy. You picked up your head, your tears halting.

"You're going to join me?"

"I can't let the most beautiful girl I've ever seen eat alone, can I?" He brushed back a strand of your hair before returning to his seat in front of you.

The two of you spent another full hour talking and getting to know each other. Every time he smiled you felt yourself swell with butterflies.

"Would ye mind if I brought ye around to meet my mates?" He pointed his hand, which was decorated in lavish silver rings, over to the group of rowdy boys. You agreed and he gently took your hand and led you over to them.

"Ey, guys, this is my new friend, Sabrina." The boys held back smiles and fits of mischievous laughter.

"Ello, Sabrina. My name's George." He smiled kindly at you, extending a warm hand to shake.

"I'm John."

"Paul, lovely to meet you," He turned his face to Ringo. "She's beautiful." He gave a suggestive wink. You couldn't help but a blush a bit, after all you never got compliments from your boyfriend anymore.


Ringo and you decided to take a little walk around, the night air brisk and perfect for a stroll.

"I hope ye had an alright time tonight.." Ringo mentioned, his hands shoved in his trouser pockets as he strode beside you.

"It was very wonderful, Ringo. You saved me." Your heart swelled at little at that statement.

"So...I'm your hero?" He raised a brow and stopped, looking directly into your eyes, his bright blue orbs mesmerizing.

"You're my hero." You smiled gratefully at him, the kind gentleman who saw you at your lowest and helped by buying you dinner, making your night worth remembering.

Ringo blushed a little, looking down at the pavement under your feet before locking eyes with you once again.

You felt it.

For a quick moment you felt that feeling that all the girls in the pictures do—the flutter, the swell, the throbbing in your heart. You were falling in love. After just one evening together.

But you felt you weren't alone in that thought. That Ringo too, sensed the connection. He gently leaned into your face and kissed your lips. It was quick but just enough to make you flush a bright shade of pink.  Ringo smirked at your body's reaction to the kiss.

"I would like to see ye again, Sabrina."

"Oh, Ringo I would love that." He beamed with confidence.

"You can call me Richie." He winked before taking your hand in his, the two of you continuing your walk down the street.


sorry that this took forever! I am on vacation for this weekend, and may be slow on uploads. I have a couple of ideas coming up but...this book is coming to a close!

I am looking into making another one because I enjoy this so much. 💞

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