pencil : george

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"Today, class, I need you to come up with a rather short poem. But that doesn't mean it should lack strength or meaning...."

Great. I can't write anything meaningful.

I stayed after class, my pencil hovering over the paper, my mind unable to get a message across.

"Need help?" An unfamiliar voice asked.

"well, maybe. Depends on who you are." I smiled. He was handsome. And the longer I looked at his face the more I recognized him as a boy Ritchie hangs out with.

"I'm George Harrison." He smiled, extending a hand which I took.

"Y/N." I smiled, stroking a lock of hair behind my ear.

"Whenever ya dig deep within yourself, you'll discover things you didn't even know. Trust me. That probably sounds stupid I-"

"Thank you for the advice, George. I appreciate it." I smiled, getting up from my desk and walking towards the door.

"Wait a second luv." George commanded.

"Yes?" I asked, turning on my heels to look at his adorable face.

"You forget something." He smirked, walking towards me with my pencil, twirling it between his fingers.

"Oh..I wouldn't want to forget that..."I said softly, looking down slyly.

George stopped in front of me and lifted up my chin with his empty hand. He looked me in the eyes before pressing his lips sweetly against mine.

"Can't forget it." He smiled, holding up my yellow pencil in front of my face.

I felt a rush come to my cheeks and I smiled, grabbing the pencil. Then George gripped a hand on my lower back and pulled me into him, kissing me deeper and deeper. He lied me back down on the desk and unbuttoned his shirt.

I think I might like doing poetry...


short excerpt from my 'early days' Beatle book

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