✰ julia : john

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(pretend school ends in July)

July 16, 1958
"John?!" You called out, running after him through the halls, pushing your way through the mass of people. You and John had been friends for a while and it wasn't like him to blatantly ignore you all day.

"What?" He spat, turning around to see you.

"What's up with you? Seriously!" He turned around but you jumped on his back.

"Get off." He grunted, picking you up with his strong arms and setting you down. "I don't want to talk."

"Oh, John. We have been friends for so long please just talk to me." You begged, tugging on his jacket.

"Y/N...stop. I'm going through some shit."

"Well then let me go through it with you! Like always! You were there for me when my dad died.." you began. He swallowed and his expression grew sad.

"Fine. But not here; outside." He pulled you by your arm out the door to your left, opening into the side yard of the school where you used to sit during your foundation year. He pulled you over to a bench underneath a shady tree. "Are ye gonna have a fit if you miss language?"

"No.." you lied. You knew you had to be there for John. "Now what's wrong with ye?" You mocked his scouse. He shot you a dirty look. "Sorry." You mumbled.

"M-Me..me mum died...uh, last night." He choked back some tears. You felt your heart break for him and you flung your arms around him, pulling him into a hug. He was hesitant at first but then he relaxed, allowing you to hold him.

"Oh, John. Wh-why aren't you home? To process all of this?"

"Because I'm not like ye. I don't need to process shit."

"John, cut the bullshit. You and I both know you're sensitive." He mustered a small smile. "See? I knew I could make you a bit happier." He pulled out his guitar from the side of the bench and placed it in his lap; he carried it wherever he went so now it was just a part of him. He strummed some chords lightly.

"Listen, doo da do, do you want to know a secret, doo da do?" He sang, stopping at the end of the verse, looking for you to respond.

"Oh-uh, yes?" You reply hesitantly, taken aback that he was asking a real question.

"Do you promise not to tell? Woah-oh-ohh, closer.." He leaned in closer to you. "Let me whisper in your ear, say the words you long to hear....I'm in love with you..oooo.." He  stopped playing and set his guitar back down, looking at you.

"A-are you serious?" You smiled a bit. You had loved John for a very long time and had a brief romantic moment a while ago; he was always protective of you being with other boys but never gave you an answer of how he felt towards you so you wondered if this was a joke.

"Yes. I'm completely in love with you, Y/N." He cupped the right side of your face with his hand and pulled you into him, giving you a loving, gentle, and long awaited kiss on your lips.

"Gosh..I love you too John." You giggled, your foreheads still touching. He beamed at you and grabbed your hand, standing up.

"Okay, now I can't have ye missing too much class. I'm going to go home and be with Mimi. I think she needs me." His expression saddened. "But would you fancy going out later? Or I can sneak through your bathroom window and we can have a chat?" He smirked. You blushed and playfully smacked his shoulder.

"That would be lovely, John."


Later he knocked on your bathroom window when you finished brushing your teeth. You drew up the sash and invited him in quietly. Instead he fell into your bathroom, making a thud.

"Honey? You okay?" Your mother called out. You shot a glare at John who was holding back laughter.

"Yes! Just tripped while Uh-shaving! I'm good." You heard her footsteps travel away and you helped John up, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"How are you?" You asked, your expression soft and sincere.

"I'm not dying, Y/N." He smiled. "But, I'm doing alright. I think what sucks is that I was just starting to get close to her." A clear tear escaped his eye but he quickly wiped it away.

"John, you can be vulnerable around me. I love you and I'm here for you." You pressed your face into the side of his cheek and held his head close to you.

"Thank you." He lost the scouse for a moment and sounded like a grown up. "There's nothing I can do. B-but look. I don't want to go to her funeral alone, and although this is new.." he pointed a finger between you and him. "I would like ye to come and be there with me. I don't care what Mimi says. I know me mum loved you." You indeed had spent many afternoons around Mrs. Lennon, helping her while Paul and John practiced in another room. Life was changing for John but he did seem so happy when he was around his mother and you knew how upset he must be.

"Of course, John. N-Now do you mind me asking what happened to her? She seemed so healthy-"

"Some fucking off duty cop hit her when she was walking home." He hissed, his fists tightening by his side. "So fucking stupid. She didn't deserve to die." He started to cry, and buried his face into your chest. You hummed along to the song he sang you earlier and with time he started to feel better. He looked at you and pulled you into him, giving you a soft and tearful kiss.

"I love love love love Miss Y/N."

"I love you, Johnny boy."


I just found out the Beatles masturbated together so...what is "come together" actually about? HAHA sorry I just find it hilarious.

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