personal doctor : ringo

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MY GOD ringo is so cute..thank u now enjoy

"Hey, Y/N. Are you on call today?" Your boss asks you as you walk into the hospital, putting away some files that were strewn across your desk.

"Sadly." You sigh, sitting down in your chair.

"Well, I've got a special call for you then." She sighs, handing you a new binder. "Someone called down from the Deauville Hotel..the one up a block?"

"Yes, I'm aware of it." You reassure. She nods her head before continuing.

"Nothing else is said other than asking I put my best resident on the case." She raises a brow towards you.

"Is it an open femur fracture? Gory? Lots of blood?" You ask with anticipation, feeling the rush of adrenaline.

"Not a clue. But you've got to go now." She shoos you back out the door you just walked in.


You arrived and grabbed your binder and bag and held them close to you. You brought what you could from the hospital, but it was slightly annoying they didn't specify the injury you were treating.

You were quickly escorted by a man back out to the pool, where the Beatles sat around casually. You wanted to scream but kept your cool because you were here to complete a job.

"It's Ringo." Someone panted, hurrying you over to a lawn chair where sure enough, Ringo sat. You analyzed his body to find he had clearly twisted his ankle but also cut it open pretty badly. Nothing you couldn't fix, but nothing exciting for a second year resident either. "Better than scut." You thought to yourself.

"Hi, Ringo." You said softly, sitting down next to him and opening your kit. "It looks to me like you've twisted it, but you've also got a pretty deep cut. Can you explain to me how this happened?" You could tell he was trying his best to cover his pain by biting on a stripped yellow and white towel. "Can we please have privacy?" You whisper to a man you assumed to be Brian Epstein. He nodded and escorted you two into a private cabana. You looked softly at Ringo and smiled. "Can you tell me now?"

"Uh-" he swallowed in pain. "I was walking by the edge of the pool when I um...slipped and fell badly into the pool." You suddenly noticed his wet hair and the fresh cut on his forehead.

"Well I'll make sure you have the best care." You smiled and placed a firm hand around his wrist. He mustered a smile and watched as you worked to clean up the blood. The two of you made small conversation.

"So-why did they send ye?" He asked, feeling a bit better.

"Well, I'm apparently the best medical resident to help. The Beatles require the best care, right?" You laughed. He smiled in response.

"Yer telling me that someone as beautiful as ye, is also top of her class?"

"Are you flirting with your doctor?" You smile, wrapping his ankle.

"Is It working?" He smirked.

"Maybe." You giggled.

"What's me lovely doctor's name? And..number?" He asked shyly as you placed some of your tools back.

"I'll give it to you later." You laughed, grabbing a treatment for the cut on his head. Leaning in you dabbed it on, glancing every now and then into his deep blue eyes.

"Is it bad?" He asked.

"Oh, no. Not at all." You looked at his lips for too long and lost your balance, falling onto him. You sat up quickly to apologize but Ringo grabbed on tightly to your arm and kept your face close to his. He licked his lips again before leaning in and kissing you. You dropped the bottle of treatment and wrapped your arms around his neck, leaning further and further into him with each kiss. You then pulled away, wiping your lips gently with your fingers.

"I-I shouldn't have done that." You say professionally. Ringo just looked at you in awe. "It should be about 6 weeks until the ligament is fully healed..but the nurses here can take care of you and since you're a drummer you shoul-" but Ringo didn't care about that. He pulled you into him again, but this time you were interrupted by John.

"He! Look at Ringo.. sorry to bother ye..doc." He winked, leaving as quickly as he came. Ringo gave him the finger and you felt yourself blush as you packed up the rest of your things.

"Can I request that ye stay with me? Please?" He pouted. You looked at him and tilted your head sympathetically.

"If you wish." You smiled before kissing him on the cheek and walking out.

"Yer the only one I trust to take care of me now. Forever, Doctor Y/N." He winked, watching as you walked off.


"You're wanted again." You boss says again the next day. "And for the next six weeks by the look of it. They pay us well so..see you then." She laughed and handed the binder off to you again.

Arriving at the hotel you went up to Ringo's hotel room.

"I've got my personal doctor." He smiled, motioning you over to him. "I've got something I really need ya to take care of." He smirked and leaned in, kissing you and unbuttoning his shirt. You giggled.

This was going to be a good six weeks.


got inspired by Grey's Anatomy so that's where this came from.

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